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Hi guyyyssss~

So i'm sure a few of you are wondering about the title and stuffs soooo

As I'm sure a couple of my older readers know, it's time for my yearly summer hiatus!! However things are gonna be a little bit different this time round.

Um... first things first-

I'M GRADUATING HIGHSCHOOL THIS WEEK!! FOUR YEARS OF PAIN HAVE FINALLY PAID OFF!! *cries* So congratulations to all you Highschool and College graduates who had to suffer through school during the shit that was 2020!! We made it guys!!

But that's were things get complicated. See, now that I don't have high school in the fall, I no longer have a reliable schedule. I have college classes to register for and a new schedule to figure out in the fall, not to mention I'll be super busy all this summer and I'm going to try to get a job to top it off so I have no idea what my life will look like in the coming months. So as you can imagine it's gonna be hard for me to find time to continue writing.

And there's another thing. I'm gonna give it to you all straight, not gonna bullshit you guys.

I've lost a lot of motivation to continue writing this fic, it's practically nonexistent at this point. I got into this fandom like, 3 years ago and have been riding on that hyperfixtation for so long due to the fact there was nothing else that caught my attention. However as I'm sure a few of you have noticed (from the amount of one-shots I've written lmao) my attention has really switched over to DSMP lately.

Don't get me wrong, I still love this AU and the many others I've made out of BNHA but I just can't find it in me to write. I've been running on back-up chapters I wrote ahead of time for this sole purpose and that last chapter was painful to write it was like pulling teeth istg it is by far my worst chapter I've written and I hate that I can't give you guys the quality you all deserve.

I've honestly only been continuing this for the readers' sake bc I would hate to let you all down, but I don't think I can keep it up much longer. I originally did make this fic for my own sake and I warned you all at the beginning I would most likely lose motivation halfway through bc I know myself and whoop-dee-fuckin-doo I did. I'm honestly surprised I made it this far.

So. This is what's gonna happen.

1. BEST case scenario. And this is really pushing it. Best case scenario, I manage to scrounge up some motivation and free time by late August - mid September and continue on like normal. However this is really unlikely so don't get your hopes up

2. Most likely bet, indefinite hiatus for... eeehhhhh about a year? Or more? And hopefully by then I'll have a steady schedule and some motivation to at least finish it for you guys. I already have it fully plotted out so it's really just a matter of finding the motivation to write it.

3. worst case scenario and man I really really hope it doesn't come to this but worst-case scenario I officially drop the fic. Put in the tags and the title and everything and just... move on. Of course I wouldn't leave you guys empty handed, I would definitely write out a very detailed summary of how the plot was gonna go so you all could have an idea, but yeah. Just dropped. And I really hope this doesn't happen I love you guys to much to let you down like that.

But yeah. That's what's going on and I'm really sorry guys for letting you down, I honestly wish I could write but fucking hell has demotivation for this fic hit me like a sack of bricks.

And also, please don't ask me to update. If anything that just stresses me out and ruins the entire reason why I wrote this explanation. So please just don't, I will just get pissed.

Anyway, once again I'm really sorry and thank you all so much for reading this far. I appreciate you all to no extent and believe me I'm going to try my hardest to get motivated to finish because I truly do adore this AU.

Thank you all so so much for sticking with me this long

~ Author

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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