1.04 - The Price of Gold

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The fairy turns into her larger form. "I'm your Fairy Godmother and I'm here to change your life Cinderella."

"But my step-mother told me that I couldn't go." Cinderella told her. "She forbade me to leave."

"Your step-mother doesn't have this," Fairy Godmother told her as she brandishes her wand. "This wand has the power to take you to your ball, to your prince and to your..."

Fairy Godmother explodes and Rumplestiltskin appeared in a cloud of smoke, claiming her wand.

"What did you do?" Cinderella asked him. 

"Now, now, I got what I wanted," Rumplestiltskin answered. "There's no need to be frightened."

"No need," Cinderella asked. "You just killed my Fairy Godmother. She was trying to help me." 

"Was she?" Rumplestiltskin asked.He hold up the wand. "Do you know what this is?" 

"Pure magic," Cinderella asked in confusion.

"Pure evil," Rumplestiltskin told her. "Trust me, I've done you a favor. All magic comes with a price. Go on back to your life and thank your lucky stars you've still got something to go back to."

"My life...is wretched," Cinderella told him.

"Then change it," Rumplestiltskin told her. "You can't handle this." 

Rumplestiltskin hold up the wand and turned around to leave.

"Wait, please, wait," Cinderella told him. "I can handle it. Please, I will do anything to get out of here,anything."

"Anything?" Rumplestiltskin asked.

"Do you know what to do,Mr..." Cinderella trailed off.

"Rumplestiltskin," Rumplestiltskin answered with a bow. "And, yes,of course I do." 

"Then help me," Cinderella told him. 

"Well, if I do, and you can indeed shoulder the uh, consequences, then you'll own me a favor," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Name it," Cinderella told him. "What do you want?" 

"Something precoious," Rumplestiltskin answered. 

Cinderella frowned in confusion. "But  I have nothing."

"Oh, but you will," Rumplestiltskin told her. "With this wish, will come to riches more than you know." 

"I care nothing for riches," Cinderella admitted. "I'll give you anything you want. Just get me out of here."

Rumplestiltskin smirked. "Now we're talking." 

"Well, how does this work?" Cinderella asked. 

"Fear not," Rumplestiltskin told her. "My needs are small, and all you have to do is sign on the dotted line." He magically summoned a document. "Do we have a deal?" 

Cinderella nodded in relief. "Yes, yes, thank you." 

Cinderella signed the document. 

Rumplestiltskin inspected the document. "Mm." He waved his hands,and turning Cinderella's rags into a ball gown, her hair up done, and glass slippers appeared. "There."

"Glass?" Cinderella asked. 

Rumplestiltskin chuckled. "Every stop needs a memorable detail. Let's see how they fit, shall we?" Cinderella put on the slippers. "Now, you have a good time, but be sure to watch the clock."

Our World


Day One 

Morning - Storybrooke Elementary School - Outside 

Worlds colliding once upon a time (book one)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin