Chapter 2 : Introductions and new faces

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I rushed to my room, opened my suitcase and took out a pair of denim shorts, and threw on a red t-shirt which said "I love Texas". My dad had got it for me when he had come to the States last year. 

I came out of the room, and Tyler gazed at me with the perfect glare that any boy could give. "uh, everything okay?" i asked looking confused. "yeah" he blushed a little. I wore my converse, picked my phone, dropped some money in my pocket and we left.

"So? you're Indian right?" Tyler asked "yup, any problem?" i joked. "nope, its just that you dont look indian, and you dont sound indian! except for your freakishly long name whch i cannot pronouce" he raised his eyebrows and looked at me "you can call me Anii, and Tyler , watch the road" i exclaimed.

 We were at the grill in no time. I entered the wooden door and loved it already, it had round wooden tables and little wooden chairs. It had a wooden bar with all sorts of drinks from probably 1864 or something and it had some pool tables. "Me likeyy" i told Tyler. "You'll likeyy my friends too when you meet them" he said pointing to a table just near the bar counter. 

We walked over to the table where his friends were seated. "hey tyler" a girl with blonde hair greeted him. She was so pretty "hey Care" he replied. I looked around a bit more and then i heard a male voice from the same table saying "Who's your friend?" he asked Tyler. The guy had brown hair gelled in a mordern way, he was wearing a white t-shirt and just like Tyler he was all muscled up. "oh this is Anii" he introduced "that's stefan" he said pointing to the male voice which i really got attracted to, "that's his girl Caroline" he said pointing to the girl who had greeted him earlier. Her blond hair complimented her fair skin. "thats Jeremy , Elena's brother and his girl Bonnie" he said pointing his finger at a guy with short spiky hair, and again he was also muscled up like the rest of the boys and Bonnie was the most beautiful petite gypsy ever! She had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. "and thats Elena and Matt" he said pointing to a boy with dreamy blue eyes and once again he had huge muscles and spiky blonde hair. And Elena was a perfectly figured girl, with brown eyes and straight blackish brownish hair. 

"Everyone's in couples eh?" i asked out of curiousity "everyone except our little Tyler" Caroline said in her sweet little voice which i dont know why but got me to blush a little. "soo, thats our gang" Stefan replied. His arms around Caroline as if somene is painting them. "Welcome to the gang" Bonnie sang slowly. 

Just then everyone heard a growl. "sorry , that was my stomach" i said. "oh yeah you were hungry" tyler remembered. "let me get you a burger" "thank you tyler" i appreciated. "so where are you from?" Matt asked me "India" i replied. Everyone's jaw literally dropped. "what!" Jeremy exclaimed, i shrugged "yeah" "but you dont-" Elena almost said and I completed her sentence "yes yes i dont look indian, dont sound indian blah blah blah" they all laughed in sync. i joned them

"yayye food" i gave out the softest scream as i saw Tyler coming towards us with 8 burgers and about 5 plates of chips. everyone giggled once again. For the next two minutes everyone was quiet and enjoying their food. i found it a bit awkward so i decided to break the ice. "i heard this town is full of vampires and werewolves". Everyone looked at eachother and exchanged glances. "UH, those are just myths" Stefan suffered. I knew he was lying and i had to know why he was lying. i mean its not like he's a vampire or something.

Caroline completely changed the topic by making us all drink shots. Tyler drove me back home like a perfect gentleman. i asked if he wanted to come in for some coffee but he said we had school tomorrow so he'd pick me up exactly at 7:30 since the school was about a 10 minute ride from my place. 

I already liked Mystic Falls and i loved Tyler and his gang. I found Tyler the nicest person i've ever met. i might even have a little crush on him already. but i dont know and thats not what i'm here to do! i need to study and well yes enjoy a bit too.

I went up to my room and changed into my favourite blue pajamas, brushed my teeth and tucked myself in. I then checked my phone to see if there was any message from home, and to my surprise no one had called or left me a message. I decided to call home but then i realized it would be really late in Ghana, thats where i lived before, in West Africa. So i quietly put myself to bed.

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