"You should come along! Maybe you and Barb can catch up." Poppy said

"Uhh no, no, no! I'm still mad at her!!" Barb said

"It's fine! I don't have to go." Sparky said

"Well you've been gone for weeks, and hey! Maybe this adventure nothing bad will happen." Poppy said

"Well... I guess I could come along." Sparky said

"Yay!!" The leaders said

"Yeah." Sparky smiled

They started to walk again. Barb just kept staring at Sparky. She was still mad at her. Delta leaned over to Barb

"Talk to her." Delta smiled

Barb was unsure about it till Sparky came over

"Hey Barb." Sparky said

Barb scoffed and looked away

"Yeah hey." Barb said

"Hey look... I'm sorry Barb. I really am." Sparky said

"Why should I believe that? You didn't even try to stop him. You didn't even check on me after he beat the crap out of me..." Barb said

"I'm sorry.." Sparky said

"What happened to your whole "we should stay away from each other since we're just like our dads" thing?" Barb asked

"I changed my mind ok! I care about you Barb! And plus your the only family I have left of dad." Sparky said

"You sure didn't act that way. You all treated me like a monster.." Barb said

"You're not a monster Barb." Sparky said

"You all treated me like one. All because of an accident. I didn't mean to hurt you." Barb said

"I know you didn't mean to Barb and it's ok. At least I have a scar to remember you." Sparky said

Barb let out a slight smile

"Yeah, I'm real sorry I did that to you. You didn't deserve that I was just upset. Geez did it hurt?" Barb asked

"Yeah it did." Sparky said

"Geez I'm sorry. You guys were comparing me to gramps and I guess I just lost control of myself." Barb said

"Yeah I'm sorry too Barb." Sparky said

"You don't have to be. You didn't do anything. I was the one who lost control." Barb said

"I know Barb." Sparky said

"I just- there's some things I haven't told you yet about me. When Cybil was beating me up I was pretty scared. I thought I was gonna die. You're not ready for the other stuff." Barb said

"The other stuff!?" Sparky asked


"Tell me!! What other stuff?!" Sparky asked

"Well Cybil temporarily cut my ear, and this gang of Rock Trolls bit my ear off, and I was the entire laughing stock at school, and I broke my bones a lot doing dangerous stunts. I've always gotten hurt, and I've hurt some others too." Barb said

"Yeah I know the story about Cybil attacking you, and your ear, and those kids, and you getting laughed at, but how come no one ever told me Cybil attacked you in the first place?" Sparky asked

"Weren't you there?" Barb asked

"I'm talking about before we went on this adventure. I don't know. He said you were helping him with something." Sparky said

Barb rubbed her arm

"Oh that. Well, I was the one who attacked him actually..." Barb said

"Is that why he had that scar?" Sparky asked

"Yeah. That was because of me. What if- what if you all were right? What if I am turning into him?" Barb asked

"Barb you'll never be like him." Sparky said

"But you guys said I was." Barb said

"Well they're all lying so am I. You're not like him, and you'll never be like him Barb." Sparky said

"You really think so? I've had dreams about him and this shadow guy." Barb said

"I'm sure Barb, and plus I'm always right!" Sparky said

Barb smiled but it went away

"But what if you're wrong this time?" Barb asked

"Pffft I'm never wrong." Sparky said

"Well ok I'll trust you." Barb said

"What do you mean "I'll" no! You have to trust your cousin! Always trust me." Sparky said

"•-• yeah, yeah ok." Barb said

"Great!" Sparky smiled

"Greattt." Barb said

The Trolls continued to walk forward till they same across a town. The Trolls looked at each other as they went in

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