Jamal Lyon: 1

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Jamal Lyon is performing tonight I was super hyped. I had been waiting for this day to come because I am a struggling artist. I just want to get my name out here and also I am a HUGE fan of Jamal.

The lights dimmered and then all of a sudden I saw a figure appear on the center stage. Jamal. I swear I screamed super hard I started fan girling. First he sung "Keep your money" then "Tell the truth" and last he sung "Your so beautiful" a Luscious Lyon original.  I started singing and dancing around in the crowd. He then started smiling on stage and looked out to the crowd. He put his hand out in front of me and I swear I felt like I was going to have a stroke.

Jamal: What's your name

Me: Y/n

Jamal: That's a beautiful name

I blushed and looked to the ground.  He picked my chin up and smiled at me. I smiled back.

After the show was over I was walking out to my car when all of a sudden I felt hands around my waist. I looked back and saw Jamal looking at me with his beautiful smile that made me want to melt.

Me: Uh what do you want?

Jamal: What I'm seeing

Me: I thought you were into guys

Jamal: I was until I saw you out here tonight

I just stared at him and he stared at me. What am I supposed to do now. He put a strand of hair behind my ear abd stroked my cheek. His hands then gently moved to my face and he kissed me. I kissed back and placed my hands around his torso.

We sat there kissing for another few minutes then I pulled away. He then began to sing.

Jamal: " your so beautiful, give the world a show"

I sat there smiling then tears formed ibto my eyes. He wiped them away kissing my nose.

Jamal: I love you

Me: I love you too

Jamal: Not even as close to how much I love you

Me: Not even possible

Jamal: Yes it is possible

He then kissed me again on the lips and what can I say, us  Lyons live in laps of luxuries and heaps of talent.

Sorry this one was corney and not even close to good.  Sorry I didn't update I moved into a new place we were unpacking and I dont have wifi right now so ya. But I promise to update as long as I can stay up tonight. Well later bye.

Empire (Lyons Boys) ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora