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Where the 57th expedition left Petra alive


The hallway echoed with my footsteps; I didn't know where I was going. My mind wasn't usually filled with thoughts, but that day they wouldn't leave.

The living quarters for the Scouting Regiment were dull. It was depressing; however, not as much as other things. Hanji wanted to decorate the dining hall, and no one objected. I had scowled, but that's what everyone says I do anyway. But the living quarters remained untouched by her hands, still as bare and uninspiring as before we left on the expedition outside of the walls.

I was in the wing where no one lived; there weren't enough troops to fill up even half of the space we were given.

On instinct, the moment I heard a noise, my own sounds ceased. The breathing technique I had mastered kicked in, and I stood perfectly still.

Sobbing came from the room to my left, and one thought pushed through all of the other, now unimportant, thoughts.


The 57th expedition, threatened by the still-unidentified Female Titan, had rendered her quite broken and bruised. Her close encounter with death caused her several injuries; a broken leg, sprained wrist, and possibly three broken ribs.

The thought of her in a dark, empty room in the empty quarters was quite concerning. She had no business there, especially the way she was.

My fingers quickly moved to the door handle, my palm pressing to the flat surface and turning it silently. I pushed it open until the door creaked of old age. Another reason we didn't use those spaces was the conditions. The floorboards posed threats and the doors were giant splinters.

I stopped trying to remain quiet, pushing open the door as if I was opening any other.

No candles lit the room, but a few sad rays of sunlight streamed through the boarded windows. Her eyes met mine, her hair responding to her quickened movements, whipping into her face for half a moment. The tears, left to soak into her skin, were disturbed, being wiped from her face by her golden-orange strands of hair.

"Captain! What are you doing here?" she quickly said, pulling her face down towards her lap and quickly wiping the tears. She sat crookedly on a stool, and the old thing seemed as if it would crumble under her weight. Her injured leg lay limp off of the flat circle she sat on, her body bent in half to hide her agony.

"I could ask the same for you, Ral," I spoke, sounding much more indifferent than I had expected. I hadn't spoken for a long time, probably since I told Erwin to go take a crap. That had been a while.

"I-I just-" Her voice cracked as she could no longer shield her tears. Her face turned to meet mine once more, her eyes overflowing. Her lip quivered, and the nerves in my stomach pinched together.

The feelings I had for Petra were strange and consistent, much like the thoughts that had brought me there in the first place. They were also hidden beneath my facade, deep down where I thought they wouldn't affect me.

My feet moved before I wanted them to, my footfalls loud on the worn-down wood. She sobbed as softly as she could bear, and I stopped where felt comfortable; two paces away was quite right.

"It's alright," I whispered, furrowing my eyebrows at how my tone of voice had changed so quickly. She shook her head, gripping her thigh with the hand that was free from the job of wiping away her tears.

"They're all dead," she growled, the sorrow she felt seeming to fuel her anger. There were three types of soldiers; those who are naturally talented, those who are idiots, and those who fight for a cause. If my squad's death was to become her cause, there would be nothing she couldn't do.

I watched as she sat up a little straighter, sniffling. She turned to face me slightly, another tear running down her cheek.

"If I hadn't faltered, if I had put faith in myself, no one -- Erd, Gunter...Auruo-" she cut out, each word more unstable than the last. She squeezed her eyes closed, clenching her jaw tightly.

Then, with one swift motion, she reached out, turned her herself towards me, and pulled me closer to her by my shirt. Her arms wrapped around my torso, she sobbed into my chest. The second my heart started pounding, I knew she could hear it, but that would stop nothing.

I found my arms having nowhere to go as I stared down at her. After a few quick breaths, I ran my hand down from her scalp to her shoulder, hoping that would comfort her in some way.

"I'm sorry," my voice rang out once more. Seeing her the way she was reminded me how I felt when I saw all of them lifeless. To think that I had picked them out only to die caused me anger, as well.

The sobs that shook her body traveled into mine, and my hand, still on her shoulder, twitched as I wondered how else to react.

"I can't be bothered wasting this time," she spoke loudly, quickly releasing me. My heart calmed itself as she backed up, letting me have a good look at her rosy, tear-stained cheeks.

Without warning, she placed her boots on the ground and attempted to stand, but her broken left leg quickly failed her.

Again with my reflexes, I reached out and caught her arms as lightly as possible, knowing full well that injuries of that extent made it hurt to breathe. She really was strong.

"Captain," she breathed out, and it finally registered how close we were. I could feel her breathing on my lips, and I felt my eyes widen ever so slightly.

All the Titans in the world, but that moment scared me more than anything.

"Thank you," she smiled, and I knew with everything that she would be alright. Nothing could break her spirit.

I helped her back to bed with the other injured soldiers, making sure, above all else, that she was comfortable.

The day was quickly turning to night, and I stood by her bedside window for a few moments watching the sun sink.

"Levi?" she whispered, and I let out a soft hum. The informality was nice for a change.

"Do you ever smile?" she wondered, reminding me of a curious child; honest but nonetheless inquisitive.

I breathed out quickly, almost laughing.

"Only if I'm asked politely," I teased indirectly, my tone of voice not quite fitting my words.

I looked over to her staring up at me, and she blinked rapidly. A smile came to her lips when my stare didn't waver.

"I'll remember that when I need it," she nodded, pushing her hair behind her ears and pulling out a book.

I quickly smiled to myself for what seemed like the first time in years, and it was genuine. She didn't quite catch it, though, her eyes flickering back to mine right as I got rid of it.

Petra beamed at me, shaking her head.

"You should smile more often, Captain; it suits you!"



original work, by me! 

I hope you liked this! I haven't been doing it for long, but I have been writing fanfiction for a long time. 

more to come soon, and make sure to check me out on tumblr, as well! rivetraplease :)

Mel xx

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