Kevin: I'm gonna vistit my mom and dad in New York

Hailey: Nicee

Kim: That sounds great

Kevin: it is

Voight: I'm still stuck with a question

Adam: What question

Voight: How can you be afraid of a plane?!

Jay: Well, I don't know that!

Hailey: He knows but he don't wanna tell it

Jay: Hailey, shut up

Kim: Tell it Jay

Kevin: Bro just tell


Jay: She's so scary sometimes ya'll know that right?

Voight: Jay tell

Jay: Fine, I don't really like planes cuz what if there is an stupid bird that is flying straight into the machine?!

Kevin: That's not gonna happen Jay

Jay: I know but still

Voight: Weird

Kim: I thought always you were a 'I eat fear as lunch' person, but I'm gonna change that to a 'I am afraid of planes' person

Jay: Other topic now

Hailey: Kim I like you

Kim: Like you too Hails <3

Voight: Guys let you know when you're landed?

Hailey: Sure

2 hours later

Jay: We just landed

Kim: Wasn't that bad right Jay?

Jay: Shut up

Hailey: Alright we're gonna leave this groupchat for a few days, because I know Jay and then he's all the time on his phone and I don't want that. So if you have questions text ME and not Jay.'

Kevin: And you are allowing this Jay?

Jay: No

Hailey: Yes

Jay: I just heard that I'm allowing it so

 Adam: Bye Jay and Hailey! Have fun there and don't annoy each other! Don't forget to buy something for us! Thanks!!

Kim: Guys have fun, I have to deal with Adam so anyone has to make fun this week. And Hailey don't you dare to not call me when somethings going on!

Kevin: I don't wanna be that person who is to protective, but Jay becarefull I know how dumb you can be! but still make fun!

Voight: Make fun! And call if somethings wrong

Jay: Bye

Jay left

Hailey: Bye

Hailey left

Kim: Rest

Adam: Now we can talk about them without them knowing it

Kevin: Bro!

Voight: Urgh I thought it was a good idea to let them leave the groupchat

Kim: Isn't it then?

Voight: NO

Adam: I like pizza

Voight: Stop

Adam: I want pizza

Voight: Adam

Adam: I need pizza

Voight: Stop it Adam

Adam: I can't live without pizza

Voight: URGH

Adam: Kim I want pizza

Voight: STOP


Kim: No


Kim: shut up

Kevin: Good conversation

Voight deleted Adam

Voight: Better

Kim: He don't get pizza

Kevin: Good

The vacation went well and there weren't any trouble things, Jay didn't even do anything stupids this time, Voight was kinda mad at Adam who couldn't stop talking about pizza.

Sorry that it took me so long for updating, I'm trying my best to do more but I'm still busy with school stuff and some other things that I have to handle, I'm trying to update 1-2 things a week but it's possible that I can't do it.

Send your ideas! thanks

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