Chapter 1: Saved

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Mia's P.O.V (also its pronounced "My-ah". Not "Me-ah")

"Absolutely incredible." The terrible man known as Slade mused as he stared at me through the bars of my cage. His fingers go to brush my wings, to feel the texture I suppose but before his hand can touch it they form into my back, making it look as if I have angel wings tattooed on my skin. His eyes grow wide. "How amazing..." He whispered as he reached his hands through the bars to touch my back but before he gets the chance I spring for his arm and grab as tightly as I can.
"Let me go! Let me go and I shall spare you life!" I scream. Finally he rips his arm away from my grasp and started laughing. "I didn't know angels could be stupid. You silly girl, why do you think I caught you in the first place? Just to look at you? As attractive as you are, I brought you here for much more important reasons."
"Such as? I ask.
"Please, little angel. Do you really think I would tell you?" He then starts to walk away.
"Wait!" I yell "where are you going?!"
"I have business to take care of." And with that he shut a big metal door. I sat on the cold hard metal floor of my cage and try to think of a way out. The only reason I haven't escaped yet is because Slade must have dabbled in some dark magic because I can feel the evil spells and curses all around me for the sole purpose to make sure I don't escape. Slades very tricky... I sighed and put my hands to my face when I brought them back I saw that a few drops had appeared on the palms of my hands. I was confused at first. Why are my eyes leaking? Oh, right. On earth you fell sadness, and pain, and hurt and so many others that are very unpleasant to feel. Including hunger. Oh wow I was hungry. In Heaven you don't get hungry so when my stomach growled I jumped a little, unsure of where it came from at first. I sighed and rested my hands in my lap and closed my eyes. It was cold here and so lonely. The only light that shined was coming off of me. The usual faint white glow that comes off all angels.
"Help" I whispered in a silent prayer. That small word seemed to hang in the open black air in this big, dark dungeon like room.


Robin's P.O.V

So it's a regular day and I'm sitting in the living room watching Beast Boy and Cyborg play the same old racing game....geez they need a new game. Raven sat in the corner with a book in her hands and her hood down. Starfire was rummaging through the refrigerator.
"Glorious news, friends! I have just found the month old milk in the refrigerator!"
"Um Star, that milk is really bad. You should probably throw it out." Raven said in her usual monotone voice.
Starfire looked down in disappointment. "Oh." She said sadly.
"It's alright Starfire. We'll go out and buy more today." I told her.
"Wonderful!" She said and threw the milk away.
And then the sirens went off and the same red lights started blinking.
"Trouble!" I said jumping up from my seat. I looked at the screen to see who we were dealing with but all that was shown was some old abandoned warehouse.
"Oh forget it man! Its probably some kids just messin' up stuff." Cy said. I just nodded my head.
"We should probably check it out anyway." I told him. And we all head off to the warehouse.


Mia's P.O.V

I wake to the sound of the door creaking. Oh no. Slade is back.
"Please. Please don't hurt me again." I whisper. I doubt he could hear me. The pain in my side and my head are so fierce its hard to concentrate on anything. Even talking loudly.
"Hello! Is anyone here?" Someone shouts.
"BB! Shut it man! What if someone is here and they jump us?" Another male voice said. I wanted to roll my eyes. 'Well if there was anyone here, they could hear the both of you.' I thought.
"Hello?" I try to speak. My voice is scratchy and dry.
"Did you guys hear something?" A female monotone voice spoke. "Wait...i feel a presence here. Some dark and some....good."
"What do you mean?" Asked another female voice.
"Hey I think something is glowing over there." Yet another male voice said. I hear footsteps start my way. I sit up and back into the corner of my cage. What if I was wrong to speak out? What if these people are just as terrible as the man who captured me? But as the come closer I can start to read their minds. And I start to feel safe again.
Yes. The Teen Titans. How could I forget that they were the heroes of this city. I sat up a little straighter and thanked God I was saved. The alien known as Starfire lead the way with a ball of green light. Robin behind her and everyone else behind him. When the could see me clearly, they all stopped and gasped.
"Hello." I greeted.
"Uh...hey. Said Raven. My eyes went to hers. Immediately I disliked her. The daughter of a demon...a natural enemy of an angel.
"If you do not mind, would you please be so kind as to let me out of this cage?"
Robin started my way.
"No. Only she can open it." I pointed at Raven. Everyone looked confused but Raven just nodded.
"Azerath Metrion Zinthos!" And the spells broke. Hmmm...she a quite powerful witch, I'll give her that. Robin came forward and broke the lock on the cage.
"Are you alright?" He questioned as I stepped out of the cage. I have to admit, he was quite handsome in person. His facial featurs were soft, yet serious. Caring. His hair looked so soft as well. I wanted to touch it. 
"I think so, yes. Thank you for saving me." I try to stand up straight but the pain in my side became almost unbareable. I groaned and fell to my knees and clutched my side. I could feel the blood on my fingers and staining my dress.
"Hey careful there!" Cyborg said. I tried to open my eyes but they were to heavy. The pounding in my head became so fierce. Suddenly, I saw the floor come in closer to me. And everything went black.

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