'' Chapter 2 ''

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Y/n had gotten punch and felt the warmth again. The masked being was glaring again.

Y/n went back to their corner, their outfit glowed in the sunset.

Y/n felt more warmth, they believed the being was comforted a bit.

Y/n heard their friend come in.
Their friend wondered a bit, but then they noticed Y/n's hair sticking from a bush.
"Hi Y/n"
"Hi F/n, why'd you come? I totally didn't need you"
"I know I just felt like wearing this dress, tell me, is it fab?"
"You know it is."

Y/n felt a lot of warmth. They glanced over to their left and saw that the being was glaring and Y/n knew the being was happy.

"I'll be back."
"Alright Y/n, stay safe."

Y/n had started walking over to the masked being. They had just noticed that the masked being had long bubblegum pink hair.
"Uhm, hi."

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