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(Secret Facility-Y/n POV)

I used to think that nothing bad could happen. That I could live my life to the fullest, even if the Honkai has made a huge problem. Sure, the valkyries would take care of the Honkai...but...what happened that day, was too much for them. 

(Flashback- 17-year old Y/n)

I was in the living room with my family. We were playing games on my PlayStation I bought for us. We were having a good time but suddenly a loud siren blared through the whole city. 

Speakers: This is an important message! Please evacuate to the nearest bunker! A honkai invasion was detected! Course time, 15 minutes!

My father, mother and I were alarmed. My younger brother and sister were confused. They looked at my mother and father and asked questions that were not supposed to be asked by kids their age. My mother and father looked distressed and confused because they didn't know what to do. I, however, took the initiative

Y/n: Danny, Lillia, we have to go hide. Monsters are coming!

Danny: Monsters?

Lillia: Like, bedtime monsters?

Y/n: Yeah!

Danny: Then why doesn't everybody just shoo them away?

Y/n: Well,...they are too scary for any of us to scare away, so, we'll let others more qualified to do so

Lillia: (Giggles) Mommy, daddy and big brother are scared cats

Y/n: Yeah, we are. Now, let's go!

I shake my mom and dad out of their stupor and they carried out Lillia and Danny behind their backs. I, however, packed some food and drinks and then quickly chase after them. We ran down the stairs as quickly as we could. We soon got down and went to the bunkers. I saw everyone waiting for us. I noticed that a notification bar said that only four more people can go in. Everyone, including me, got in but the door wouldn't shut. I knew why and so I did the most logical thing. Going out of the elevator. I go out of the elevator and the door begins to close. My family try to get me to come in but I threw my bag at them. The throw was strong enough to make them fall. Soon, the doors close and the cries of them stop. I look down at the ground and smiled. Soon, tears started to fall from my eyes. I then look at my surroundings, the whole place had a lot of tears in reality. it looked like somebody cut the fabric of reality and made a portal that leads to another place. From just looking through it, I could see it leads to a dark place. Soon, honkai started to pour out of the rifts. I ran back to my house and hid in my room. I look through the window and saw valkyries and honkai fighting. I then saw a lot of black cubes with orange outlines started to go towards me. They were blocked by the window but then I noticed a lot of the same cubes were coming into the room through the crack at the top and bottom of my door. I try to close the gaps with clothes but somehow they pushed through it. they went towards me and I tried to move past them but they were too many. They went into my skin and I felt a gruesome amount of pain. I try to shake them off but they wouldn't. Soon, my vision starts to blacken


I wake up and I notice the smell of smoke and cement. I look to my right and saw a horrifying sight. The wall to my right looked like it was blown apart and it revealed to me the sight of the city. The whole city was on fire and honkai were everywhere. I also notice that most of the humans that were on the surface were zombies because of the exposure to honkai energy. Wait, if they turned into zombies, why wasn't I one?

I go into my bathroom and looked into the mirror. My features changed a little. A looked a lot more handsome, a bit paler and a lot taller. My hair also got a bit more length so I cut it a bit. It was still long but it now matched my features.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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