Levi X marleyan reader PT 2

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Today I'll return to the survey corps from a very long mission , and by mission I mean going back to my homeland Marley. There's a lot of changes when I came back, I also told them the information, false information I should say, well anyways time to meet Levi again.

Now I'm at their headquarters where I'll meet Levi again, I planned on surprising him so I sneak into his room and hide near the door where he can't see me once he opens the door.

After moments of waiting the door finally opens then I saw Levi's back, once he's fully inside I covered his eyes using my hands "guess who's--" my words were cut off when he immediately send me to the ground then I groaned in pain, after he saw me his eyes widen "are you okay?" He asked "what do you think--ahhh ouchh" I said suffering from the pain "I was just going to surprise you and you seriously sent me to the ground, you jerk" I said angrily and glare at him "well I thought you were some thief or something" he said in his monotone voice "do you seriously think that people are that stupid to steal in the humanity's strongest soldier's office" I glared at him more and he just rolled his eyes going out "oh wow you didn't even bother to help me" I shouted "you're a soldier you can do that " after that I started cursing him.

I finally managed to go to the couch in his office then I saw the door open revealing Levi with ice "look who's back" I said rolling my eyes "let me see your ankle, it got twisted right when I sent you to the ground" he said.

I pulled my pants up and removed my boot so that he could see my ankle "pull your pants higher so I could see if there's anymore bruise" he commanded me and I chuckled "C'mon Levi if you just wanted to see my legs you could just say it I'll seriously remove my pants for you" I said leaning back in the couch "you perverted brat" he glared at me,he suddenly Flick his fingers to my ankle and I hissed in pain "you idiot why did you do that" I whined at him and he just said a 'tch' after that he held my lower leg and started treating it with ice.

We walked to the quarters and saw Erwin and Hange "Y/n you're back...and why are you walking like that, did something happened" Hange asked "yeah late night activities with Levi yah kno--" before I could finish my sentence again ,Levi smack me in the head "why did you do that..you know what someday I'm seriously gonna turn you into that mindless titans ,but people will not call you a titan because you're too short to look like a titan, shorty" I again made use of his shortness "try turning me into a titan if you can you brat" he said in his bored tone "really?" I asked "I don't think that's a good idea" Erwin said nervously "yeah I'll lose someone important to me if I did that" I said and wink at Levi, Levi turned his head to the other direction avoiding me but I saw a small pink in his cheeks.

Levi agreed to let me meet his squad and now we're heading to their training ground. Once we got there Levi told his squad to line up and to introduce themselves "names Oluo Bozado" he said trying to copy Levi after that a ginger haired girl introduce herself "hi my name is Petra ral" she said introducing herself I then quickly grabbed Levi far away from them "Levi I thought you already promised not to let some girl join your squad" I said folding my arms in my chest while tapping my foot and glaring at him "I didn't promise anything to you" he said "and besides she's good at killing titans" he added and I just look at him with a blank face "fine fine,geez" I said waving my hand back and forth.

[Timeskip] (this is the part where Eren comes)

Now we're in the prison where that titan shifter Eren is. Finally I found the attack titan , the attack titan has been stolen by Grisha Jaeger so maybe this kid Eren Jaeger is his son and Zeke's brother 'ohh geez,talk about family of titans'.

After Erwin asked the kid me and Erwin went to his office to talk about it.

"Well the attack titan was stolen by his father Grisha Jaeger. So his father injected the titan fluid to him and let Eren eat him" I stated and Erwin nodded "and based on what I noticed he also holds the founding titan" I added "and what's the founding titan again?" Erwin asked "it can control titans, so Eren can--nah I can't say it to you, and hey don't say it yet to Eren got it" I said and he nodded again after that I left his office and went to mine.


(ok I'm just going to make this fast sorrey..this is like in the end..manga spoilers)

Now the war ends with Eren sacrificing himself and all the titans disappear, they also know now that I'm a Marleyan At first they we're scared of me except Levi, Erwin , and Hange then after sometime the others also accepted me. We lost a lot of our comrades but we just need to move forward, after the war ends we saw our comrades through the smoke.

Levi got injured pretty badly , I think he'll need a wheelchair. Well I'll always be by his side forever.

The end...



I know that's a very crappy ending..the crappiest ..I srsly got no motivation on doing it sorry....I'll do a better one next time...

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