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Charlotte O'Conner is a cop, like her brother. Though they haven't spoken in years. Charlotte is currently on vacation in Miami. A man walks over to Charlotte, who is sitting on a peer, enjoying the sun.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Bilkins?" Charlotte asks with a smirk as she looks over at the man. "You know I'm on vacation."
"I know," Bilkins says as he sits beside her. "Word is that you're not the only O'Conner in Miami."
"I haven't seen or heard from my brother in years if that's what you are insinuating," Charlotte tells him the truth as she stands up.
"I believe you," Bilkins says as he stands up as well.
"But," Charlotte says with an eye roll, knowing that he was there for a reason.
"But I want you to find him," Bilkins tells her, causing her to laugh.
"Now, Why would I do that?" Charlotte asks him with a smirk.
"Because I'm going to clear his record after you and him go undercover on a job for me," Bilkins explains to her causing her to cross her arms across her chest.
"Bullshit," Charlotte says as she shakes her head while walking away from him.
"I'm telling the truth," Bilkins tells her as he follows her. Charlotte looks at him for any sign of a lie.
"When do I start?" Charlotte asks him.
"Tomorrow," Bilkins answers her as Charlotte wonders where she is going to find her brother at.


"Yeah, man," Brian O'Conner says as he answers his phone.
"You wanna race tonight?" Tej Parker asks him.
"Yeah. You know I could use the money," Brian answers him.
"You got four minutes," Tej tells him.
"All right. I'll be there," Brian says before hanging up the phone.

"Yeah. There's our fourth right there," Tej says as Brian drives through the crowd while blowing exhaust to try to get the crowd to move back.
"Shit. It's Brian," Suki says realizing, who it is.
"What's up, Tej?" Brian asks as he walks over to the man with the Afro.
"What's happenin', dude?" Tej asks back as they bro hug.
"Thanks for the invite," Brian says with a nod.
"No problem at all, man. Just, uh... Just remember me when you wax, a'ight?" Tej says causing Brian to smile.
"They got deep pockets?" Brian asks Tej as he glances at the other drivers.
"Real deep," Tej answers causing Brian to smirk.
"What's up, Suki?" Brian asks the girl leaning against the pink car.
"What's up, Bullet?" Suki asks back as they share a smile.
"What do you say we kick it a nickel?" Brian asks the drivers.
"Nobody said nothin' about raisin' the stakes," The guy leaning against the red car says.
"If that's the case, why don't you ask these nice people here to back off the line so you can go home?" Brian asks as he walks towards the guy.
"Oooh.!" The crowd cheers.
"Hey. Hey. Hey," The guy says getting the crowd to be quiet. Tej walks over to stand beside Brian. "Okay. Thirty-five large. Three cinco." The guy hands Tej his money before Brian hands Tej money. Brian walks over to his car. Brian stops as he thinks he sees his sister in the crowd. Charlotte smirks at him before touching the shoulder of the woman beside her, who is also staring at Brian. Brian goes to walk towards the crowd but Charlotte disappears leaving the other woman staring at Brian. He looks at her confused before getting into his car.

"All right, back up. Back up. Let's go. Let's go," Tej orders causing Charlotte to look over at him and she can't help but check him out. "Back y'all asses up. Back up. Back up. Before you turn into barbecue around here. It's not a game. This is serious. All right. Back up. Back up. Get off the street. Let's go. Back it up. Back it up. Everybody keep your hands real, real clear, all right? Cause I got a surprise for y'all this evening. Go!"

"Yo, Jimmy, hit it, baby. Hit it!" Tej says into a walkie as they see the cars in the distance. "A'ight. Y'all see that? Told y'all I had a surprise. How you like that for a finale?" Half of the bridge starts to raise. The tan car comes flying over the bridge before Brian flies over him. "Tell me y'all saw that, man. Bullet and Suki sprayed the bridge, and I need to start making y'all pay to see this shit." Brian gets out of the car as the crowd cheers. "I got over 10 stacks for my man right here, a'ight? That's what I'm talkin' about, man. Play with it. Smells good, don't it?" Brian hands Tej some of the money back. "Right there. Right. Y'all see this? Everybody take a real good look. This what you call mutual respect. A'ight, let's clear out." Brian notices the lady from before watching him. He walks over to the lady, who giggles before turning away from him.
"Hey, where you going?" Brian asks the lady.
"It's time to get out of here," The lady says with a shrug.
"Why's that?" Brian asks her and as if on cue cop sirens are heard. Brian quickly runs to his car before getting in and taking off. Brian is able to get away from one cop by making a quick turn causing the cop to crash. Brian turns onto a street where cops are waiting. One cop gets out of his car with a big gun.
"Shit," Brian says as he swerves around him. The cop shoots the gun causing prongs to stick into the side of the car. All of the electrical stuff starts to shut down, before Brian crashes into a post. "Damn!" Brian says as he hits the steering wheel.
"Let me see your hands! Put 'em up!" The cop says as the car is surrounded.

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