t w e n t y e i g h t

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[ P a n i c ]
Tw - panic attack

It's been two weeks since the ball, the middle of November and the school now well knew that the head students were dating, of course, there were both Gryffindors and Slytherins that didn't approve but they had learnt to ignore the glares they got

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It's been two weeks since the ball, the middle of November and the school now well knew that the head students were dating, of course, there were both Gryffindors and Slytherins that didn't approve but they had learnt to ignore the glares they got.

However, Hermione hadn't made up with Dean or Seamus yet, but every time she tried to talk to them, they'd walk off. She had wished Harry hadn't tell them but she decided she's had enough arguments with her friends for the year if not life.

Hermione, Draco, Harry, Ginny, Blaise, Luna, Ron and Lavender had gathered in the great hall, using the study period before dinner, they were doing their homework while talking quietly. Draco, after a few minutes, began complaining about doing homework with everyone else, not being closer to Hermione.

Hermione rolled her eyes but smiled when reaching out to grab his hand and going back to the book she was reading.

Lavender had dropped her quill and went to pick it up, seeing Draco and Hermione holding hands. She immediately got back up and made an attempt to hold Ron's but he was writing in one hand and holding a page down in the other.

Lavender scowled and wrote angrily, Ginny noticed however, "Alright Lavender?"

"No," she snapped, "Hermione and Draco are holding hands under the table but Ron's too busy doing whatever he's doing and not even looking at me!"

"Oh Lavender, focus on your homework first? Then you can hold my brother's hand all you want." Ginny said before smirking at a confused Hermione.

Just then Dean and Seamus walked behind Ginny and she quickly whispered "Be right back guys." before chasing after them.

"Dean! Seamus!" Hermione yelled, Dean and Seamus turned around, saw Hermione and turned a corner before quickening their paste back towards their room. Hermione sighed in frustration but now ran at full speed towards them.

"Guys! Come on! You can't stay mad at me forever! Please! Just talk to me!" She begged as she continued to run after them, getting tired as she chased them. They turned another corner and slowed down thinking they had lost Hermione.

Hermione instead picked up her paste and saw them turn into their dorm. She sighed and slowly walked over there, determined to solve this stupid friendship issue with him. She stopped halfway there, clutching her head. The room had begun to spin around.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and walking over to a nearby window seal where she sat down. She kept taking deep breaths, trying to stop the room from spinning.

She tried and failed to stand up as her legs buckled beneath her, continuing to sit where she was, she started to fear what was happening. Whether she had done something wrong, her breaths became shaky and she tried to breath but trembled.

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