Caught Red Handed-Daryl Dixon

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"You've gotta be shittin' me."

Daryl stared with a scowl as he caught you red handed.

You stopped what you were doing, trying to stuff the appliance into your backpack, and looked up at the man. He was leaning against one of the aisle shelves with his arms crossed, making a point of letting his eyes rest over the strange contraption in your hands.

"What?" You asked defensively, and pulled the zipper closed.

Daryl was silent, but his expression gave him away. He muttered something under his breath that you didn't quite catch, but you could already imagine what it might have sounded like.

"Don't look at me like that, you hypocrite." You huffed, taking a step back.

The two of you had been rummaging around a large grocery store when you'd stumbled across the homeware section. The man had walked straight past it at first, muttering something about how stupid it was to need a matching cutlery set in the midst of the apocolypse. Yet, you'd managed to slip away at some point, and he found you scavenging through the clearance section like a middle-aged woman during black friday sales.

"I saw you stash that ashtray into your bag." You noted, and raised an eyebrow at him.

He shifted his weight on his feet and you heard clattering in his backpack - proving your point.

"There's a difference between an ashtray and whatever the hell it is I'm lookin' at." He grumbled, eyeing the object again.

You ignored him, and wedged it into the bag the best you could, before slinging it over your shoulder.

"Where d'ya even find this crap?" He asked, in disbelief.

You sent a lopsided smile his way and glanced around the shelves for a second time, in case you'd missed anything.

"I'm good at sniffing out hidden treasure." You explained, full of confidence.

Daryl snorted, telling you that you both had very different definitions of the word. Then, he spoke again - more assertively this time.

"We're not getting that. Put it back."
The man turned on his heels and walked away before you had time to argue. You followed after him, your bag rattling each time you took a step.

"But it would look great in our kitchen!" You called, and heard him sigh below his breath.

"It's so fuckin' tacky."

You woke up to an empty bed and made your way down the steps sleepily. Most days, Daryl got up before you - and he was often already gone before you'd even had the chance to make breakfast. Except, this morning you heard some fumbling around in the kitchen, and made your way down the staircase curiously.

Your bare feet hit the wooden floor and you padded along quietly until you reached the doorway. Daryl had his back to you, so you peered around - watching him for a few seconds. There was a faint humming sound coming from the room, like the vibrating of a small motor. You raised your eyebrow, realising that you'd caught him red handed.

"I see you, Daryl Dixon!" You exclaimed, and laughed as the man flinched.

He whipped his head around, surprised to see you awake so early.

"Nah, ya don't." He grumbled, as you made your way over to him.

You elbowed the man, and sent a grin in his direction.

"You're using my fucking salad spinner!"

It didn't sound that exciting on paper, but you knew you'd struck gold when you saw it. It was an electric spinner in the shape of a spaceship - painted a metallic silver with little green windows. Maybe it was ugly, but that's why you'd picked it. You thought that these Alexandrian houses could do with some tacky decor to contrast their pompous chandeliers and expensive furniture. That, and you had wanted to see Daryl's face when you brought it home.

The both of you watched it rotate. He hadn't even put anything inside, but it was still a novelty that had the two of you staring intently.

"Jus' seein' how it works." He mumbled, distracted.

The room was silent for a few seconds, save for the faint buzzing noise. You slapped Daryl's chest with the back of your hand and he cursed at you in return.

"Admit it." You prompted, wearing your most devious grin. "You think it's cool."

Daryl sighed and shrugged on his jacket, making his way to the door.

"Nah. I think yer crazy." He muttered under his breath.

But you thought that made things all the more interesting.

Not my work but I don't know the creator. If you do then feel free to comment.

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