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(3rd Person POV)

Everyone is driving around the city. August being on her way to the hospital to stay with Hobbs. Brian and Ramsey are followed by Letty who is being followed by Roman and Tej. They are waiting to be found by God's Eye.

"I don't know why we gotta keep driving around like this. Why can't we just pull over somewhere, park, gather our thoughts in, like, a bunker somewhere?" Rome asks.

"Because it does not work like that. We gotta stick close enough to the bad guys in order to get in range for Ramsey to hack them. But we gotta be mobile enough not to get shot like fish in a barrel. So, do me a favor, focus on the mission and keep us from getting killed," Tej explains.

"Guys, they're here," Ramsey says.

"How many cars?" Letty asks.

"Uh, none. And that's kind of the problem," Ramsey answers. Everyone looks to see a helicopter.

"Okay, let's give them the tour. Break on my mark. Three, two, one. Go!" Brian says. He keeps going straight while Letty turns left and Rome turns right.

"They're in range. Ramsey, start the hack," Tej says.

"Initiating. Now," Ramsey says. "I think we lost the chopper."

"I think we got bigger problems than that!" Brian says when he sees the drone. Brian kept driving and avoiding the drone then he was hit. "Oh, shit! Football's hot! I need to lateral! Rome, where are you?"

"Running back charging in!" Rome answers.

"Meet me on Third and Spring," Brian says.

"You got it! I'm halfway there," Rome agrees.

"Grab your computer! Get in the window!" Brian yells at Ramsey.

"Why?" Ramsey asks.

"Do it! Now! You gotta go! Right now!" Brian says as she jumps out the window and Tej pulls her into Rome's car. The drone then hits Brian's car again and he jumps from it as the car explodes.

"He made it! I can't believe we pulled that off," Tej says.

"Wait. What happened? We were almost there. They've cut the signal! I can't finish the hack!" Ramsey says after the bad guys took out the tower they were using.

"What do you mean?" Brian asks.

"Brian, they took out the tower!" Tej says. August gets to the hospital and walks into Hobbs' room when there is a loud boom outside. Hobbs gets up and they see that a tower was taken out.

"Dad, what's going on?" Hobbs' daughter asks.

"Daddy's gotta go to work," Hobbs answers before busting out of his cast. August decides then that she has to go help her family. "All right, baby girl. Elena's gonna be here in a little bit. You know our drill." August and Hobbs leave. Hobbs hijacks an ambulance while August takes her car.

"There has to be another way," Tej says. August had been listening to the radio the whole time.

"There's half a dozen cell towers between Sixth and State," August says and Tej picks up on what she means.

"Brian, if you can get to the top of any one of those buildings around there, we can reroute the signal manually and finish the job," Tej says.

"I'm on it. August stay safe," Brian says knowing August had to be in on the action now.

"Them boys is on us! Man, them boys ain't ready for this! Shit! First the tank, then the plane. Now we got a spaceship?" Rome says panicked.

"That's not a spaceship, that's a drone!" Tej corrects.

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