A Perfect Date/Awesamponk (2)

26 3 1

Type: Fluff
Ships: Awesamponk and a little DNF
AU: Normal/Everyday

Sam watched as George walked out of the cell, blushing more than ever this time. Sam knew not to check the security tapes after this. George's visits had become more frequent. Sam assumed something bloomed between the two of them and well yeah pretty self explainatory. "Sam?" George said.

"hm?" Sam responded.

"Why" George asked.

Sam stopped. "What do you mean 'why'?" 


Sam continued leading George out of the prison. His brain lit up when he remembered something. He started walking faster. And faster. And faster, until George was having trouble keeping up. "Why are you in such a hurry?" George asked.

"I have a date." Sam responded 

"Wait what-"


"Oh well good for you." 

Sam didn't repsond. Is it though? What if his date ended up hating him. What if his fantasizing was just pointless and dumb and his date only said yes to his offer out of pity. Pity of what? Who knows, well his date if he said yes out of pity. They arrived at the enterance which was also the exit of the prison. He opened the portal and watched George leave. Quickly he grabbed his suit and rushed to the bathroom to change. He rushed back out and waited at his desk. He opened up the portal and waited for his date to arrive. After 5 minutes of waiting, Sam grew impatient. Finally he saw him standing in the portal. "Ponk." Sam said with a smile

"Hey, Sam."

Sam could feel his cheeks getting warm, which probably looked odd considering the fact he's green and a creeper. "You look..great." Sam managed.

Ponk smiled. "Not so bad yourself, Creeper Boy." Ponk responded.

Sam laughed. "Creeper boy, huh?"

"I mean it makes sense." Ponk replied.

"Yeah cause I'll be creeping into your p- WOAHH WHY AM I THINKING THAT-." Sam thought. He made a face of disgust.

"Something wrong?" Ponk asked.

"No sorry, let's just get going."

~Timeskip to after the date cus I'm lazy~

After finally convincing Ponk into letting Sam pay they sat up and walked out of the restaurant. It was dark and the temperature was dropping. Sam sneakily put an arm around Ponk as he walked him home. Ponk didn't mind, he actually liked it. They arrived at Ponk's house. "Well, this is your place." Sam said.

"Yep." Ponk replied

Sam smirked. "So do I get a goodbye kiss?" 

"Oh most certainly." And like he said he would. Ponk kissed Sam. A short but sweet kiss. One that made Sam feel good inside. "Night, Creeper boy." Ponk said as he stepped inside.

"I- Uh night." Sam responded. 

The walk home was short. But it made Sam think. Was that all out of pity? No. Sam was just over thinking. Ponk did actually have feelings for him. That kiss did actually mean something. Sam was sure of it. He got home and layed down on his bed. And shortly after fell asleep dreaming of his future.

                                                                       The End


Heyooo :D I'm actually really proud of this story I'm definitely gonna write more short stories. So yeah! Thanks for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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