Chapter 2

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Target: Nikolai Viskolkavich
Instructions:Kill on sight. Lace weapon with drugs. Cause of Death:Overdose.
I watch through my scope as Nikolai dances with women from the bar. He's at a bar called:Agafganvas. A place known for its dancers.
Im laying on the ground atop a building three hundred feet away. I wait until he is in plain view, line up my focus with his neck, and fire.
He's on the ground within seconds. The bullet I use is like a paintball but harder and only explodes with impact on a bone. Then the shell of the bullet dissolves into the body leaving it untraceable.
I get up off of the ground and dust myself off, reaching into my pocket and pulling out my phone dialing Svetlana. I say, " Целевая убитых отправиться обратно в штаб-квартиру."
(Target killed heading back to headquarters.) and I pressed end on the phone.
I put my sniper in my trench coat and closed it. Once I was at the other edge of the building I jumped off of it and landed gracefully on the ground. Once on the ground I walked to black SUV they bought me for this mission.
I stripped the stickers off of it and the license plates and threw them down a sewer drain.
I put the new plates on then got into the vehicle and drove.
I took the file out of my passenger seat compartment and signed that the target was killed and put it back.
You see in the past two years a lot has changed. First I became stronger and healthier. Then I became faster and can fight better. Then I became smarter and even better at fighting. Then I became a weapons expert and gunman. And finally I became smarter than a college student that went to Harvard.
So if you add all of that up now it means that I am the number one most wanted assassin in Russia and everywhere else.
I've killed countless people because its what I'm trained to do. I was sent into the amazon forest for fifteen days and fourteen nights, told that I have to find my way back to civilization.
So now I can officially kill anyone anywhere. And I do because its my job but if they are proven innocent then they get off on a warning. But that usually never happens. Especially with me.
Once I got back to headquarters I put my hand on the scan to open the doors. I drove inside and parked the new car among all of the other cars that I've had to use. I went into the Red room and put Nikolais file in the 'cold' folder.
Then I went to the conference room where Svetlana, my mentor, is. I opened the door and saw her talking to a man I didn't know.
I leaned against the doorway and said, " Есть ли у вас случай для меня еще?"(Do you have a case for me yet?)
She jumped and turned around and said, " Да, но вам придется подождать, пока я закончу здесь. К таким двадцать минут на боксерскую грушу."( Yes but you'll have to wait until I'm done here. Go do twenty minutes on the punching bag.)
I bowed to her in respect then left the room to go to the training room. When I got there I went to the changing room and took off my trench coat then my leather corset type thing then my leather pants along with my sword and my knives and my sniper and bullets. Also my leather combat boots.
Then I put on a black sports bra, basketball shorts, and Nike's.
I left the locked room then went over to the sand and iron block filled up punching bag.
I started out slow then started throwing punches and kicks at every turn. And right when I did a final roundhouse kick Svetlana walked in and I ended it with a chest punch. If it were on a living thing it would have caused the ribs to break and collapse on the heart.
I turned around to see her with her arms crossed and her left hand holding a file.
Svetlana is a woman that's in her twenties that can kill a man with the flick of her wrist. literally she has small darts. Shes a platinum blonde woman who's hair is to her hips but when in a ponytail is at about little lower than mid back. She has pale skin and bright blue eyes. She is by far the beautifullest woman I've ever seen.
I walked over to her and sat on a weight lifting bench. I played in my back and started to bench press. Six hundred pound while she explained.
She said, " Целевые имена: Ramsem Tollrew, Talon Recon, Фред Дэймон, Сильвестр Wedge, и Yori Mills.
Адрес: Woodlake, штат Вашингтон.
Причина: изнасилований, краж, убийств.
Инструкция: убийств на месте. Не ошибается только работа." ( Target names: Ramsem Tollrew, Talon Recon, Fred Damon, Silvester Wedge, and Yori Mills.
Location: Woodlake, Washington..United States.
Reason:Rapes, Burglaries, homicides.
Instructions:Kill on sight. No mistakes Just a job.)
I put the weights down and grabbed the file. I looked at the location one more time and smiled. It is my home town. I think I'm going to be able to get that revenge. I smiled widely to myself.
I wiped my face of emotion and turned back to Svetlana and said, " Готово. Нужно ли мне ненастоящее имя, фамилия и документы?" (Done. Do I need a fake name and papers."
She shook her head and started to walk out but I stopped her by saying, " Отправляясь в Woodlake High School? И убить любого отвлекаться? " (Going to Woodlake High School? And kill any distractions?)
She nodded again and started walking out while saying, " Не стесняйтесь брать любые планы мести, пока вы там." (Feel free to take out any revenge plans while you're there.)
Yeah she knows she was the first person I told. So she knows about the revenge I want.
I worked out for two more hours because my jet didn't leave until three in the morning. So it gave me three hours to pack my guns and poison and all that good stuff.
I went up to my room on the third level and packed all of my clothes and shoes and makeup. Not that I need makeup because I'm freaking gorgeous now but it comes in handy. I took that to the truck that taking my stuff and loaded it then went back up. Then I went into one of the rooms on my floor and punched in a key password which opens the door to my weapons room.
I had a total of fifty different guns. Twenty different poisons. Six swords. Fifteen knives. And five shivs.
I put them all into different suitcases that had there own special holder in them and i still had guns and other weapons in my weapons room.
I took it all downstairs and opened the trunk of my dodge charger. I lifted up the false ground and put all of the cases of guns and blades and etc. in it.
Once everything was loaded up it was two forty five in the morning. I got into my car and drive off with the truck carrying my clothes following me.
When we got to the airport we were immediately ambushed with helper people. It got really annoying when they were man handling my stuff so I yelled, " Вернуться Fuck Off мои вещи." (Back the fuxk off my stuff.) and they immediately obeyed.
I took my guns and stuff onto the jet and put it near my seat.
Then I got some leather pants combat heeled boots and a leather corset with gold rings to match the ones on my boots. An finally my trench coat.
I got put a handgun in the small of my back and put two shivs on my hips. Then in my trench coat I put four knives. Ans the hing I like about my boots is that I can press one of the buttons on my trench coats sleeve and it will eject blades out of them so I can stab people with my boot.
I put my now long copper hair into a ponytail that reached my mid back and then put mascara and eyeliner on my top lid. Then I was done.
I sat back and closed my eyes for the time being but still listened to my surroundings. So I knew when we landed because I felt the slight angle of the jet when it angles itself downwards to land.
I'm currently driving down the highway with a trunk full of guns and clothes. The house that I'm going to is right next to the pack house as to what I'm told and is specially designed for me. They put like a training place in the backyard and a place were I can put my guns and also a place where I can workout inside.
I drove up the road that led to the circle driveway where my house and the pack house is and stopped right in front of my house parking my car right in front of he garage.
I looks t the house to see that its a tan brown color and the roof is a dark brown. It a two story house but Svetlana said that each and every room is made to my preferences so I will be able to use each one. The front yard is all lush green grass and flowers lined the porch.
I walked up the pathway and up the one step to my house and opened the door. it was all the way I would want it. The theme was leather black and a pretty green color.
j walked in and looked inside. There was a total of seven rooms. A game room, a shooting range, my bedroom, a living room, a den, a kitchen and a guest room. Well there would be eight if you counted my weapons room in the garage.
I walked back outside to get my bags and when I looked across the road there stood the one person o swore to get revenge on. My mate Alex Mathews.
I just acted like I didnt see him and went on grabbing my bags and taking them inside.
I didn't care about hiding my hidden compartement in my trunk so I just lifted up the hatch and I swear I heard him gasp and took all of the black suitcases out of the trunk. And they easily weighed five hundred pounds with all the weapons I have in them.
I felt his eyes burning holes I'm my back but just ignored him. I set the bags just inside the door then turned around.
I gave him a sweet smile and so sweetly flipped him off then turned back around and went in the door.

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