The beginning(insert gost sounds)

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Your foster parents where having a loud argument in the kitchen,the usual, while you were in your room happily putting on some chap stick.

You look strait at your Mha poster, you lean in! And your lips right about to touch bakugou.then Boom! You feel the warmth of someone else's lips on yours.

It was your sibling. Nah nah jk
.(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')♡

Your eyes shoot open and you see,..... Deku. The real fuckin deku. Izuku fuckin midoria- ok ok, ik you got it.

You let out a screech, then fall off his desk. "WHERE THE FUCK AM I!! ". Deku is also freaking out. You look around to see all the people from your favorite anime and freak out inside. Until you see, "*le gasp* OmG- tHeReS kAmInaRi!!!".

You run up to his desk, "Hi!" You say, before he could say anything back, you get grabbed by a scarf. You get held in front of This  HUNK of a man, "wowza... Bro. you are daddy." The class laughs and snickers at your comment. "Who are you. " Aizawa states.

"Um. Now I'm your future wife.", you state like it's obvious.

" Um no."he says.



"Let be believe." You say. The class giggles, "Who are you. How did you get here. " He states seriously. "Ok, in all seriousness. I have no fucking idea."

"You have one more chance, before I bring someone. Who are you. Why. Are. You. Here. ", " Bro. I'm sorry future husband. But are you deaf? I said. I. Don't. Flipidy. Fucking. Know. Why I am here." You say with a bored expression.

Bakugou snickers at your comment.🥺 "Stay here" Aizawa says. "Where the fuck else am I supposed to go?, to the grocery store? Actually, don't answer. "
He kinda pissed you off.

You stay in the scarf while you look at the class. Some are whispering while some are starring. You spot the hot pink Lady, "hey mina! " You say with stars in your eyes.

"Um yes? "," You are mommy. " You say with a simp face. (Idk what the fck that looks like but ok)

She gets flustered, and says thanks. You giggle at her reaction then right when you where about to talk to denki,aizawa enters the room with shinso.

"Wow! Double daddy. " You say with a smirk, that gave shinso an opening. Well shit. "Who are you. " "Y/n l/n." "Why are you here. " "I honestly don't know. " "How did you get here." "I was about to kiss my poster, then I ended up here."

"Last question. Where were you when you came here." "In my room, at my foster house.". " Ok that's enough. " Aizawa says. "Thanks daddyzawa" You say.

"Shut up. Now that I know you're not a villain. I will let you stay in the dorms and join classes. Until I figure out what to do with you. " "Hell ya!! "

"Go sit by bakugou." "Oki doki".

(*・x・)/(Mha x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora