The Next Day

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Tomorrow was the start of school! Luck was in my favor because all of Angel's friends were in his class, and my friends were in mine! It was a miracle. I hoped Brother enjoyed his first day back.

He had left early because he had something to do beforehand, I didn't know what but it sounded like a club or something. At least he was doing something. I had no clue what that something was, but it might bring him out of his glumness.

Now, I had to go out and meet Ariadne, Rose, and Valkyrie at the park. Our classes started tomorrow and we decided to have a girls day. I had chosen my blue jeans and red blouse to wear today, and had styled my silvery hair into a mid-length ponytail. For a girls day I needed to look stylish.

I ran out of our apartment and hailed a taxi. The park was a 45 minute drive and I was running late. The apartment was amazing when going to school because it was just outside school grounds, however when getting to other places it was much more bothersome.

Today must have been my lucky day, because almost immediately a taxi stopped by and picked me up. Forty five minutes. I had to wait forty five minutes to have some delicious food and a carefree time. I couldn't wait!

The inner school grounds passed by in a breeze. My body hummed with excitement at the thought of a relaxing day. Unfortunately for me, my day didn't go as planned, because as soon as I arrived at the park I had a great surprise. Or rather, two great surprises.

First of all, it started raining cats and dogs, and quite literally. I mean, come on! I get the expression it's raining cats and dogs as in a heavy rain, but what was the chance of it actually happening!

A bunch of kittens and puppies from all different shades of colors fell from the sky. There were pomeranians, calicos, dalmations, orange tabby cats, beagles, and many more breeds I can't name.

Many of them fell on my head, and knocked me down. Soon, I was covered in very fluffy, and obnoxiously cute creatures.

"What?" I squeaked. "They fell from the sky! What has the world come to? This is awful!"

Shortly after I escaped from the unnatural rainfall, I ran towards the library. The Library is located two blocks away from the park, and was the only building in the proximity. I could shelter there and escape this estranged weather occurrence.

I rushed into the doors of the library and hurried towards the front desk.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Would you happen to know if anyone named Angel Brown happened to enter?" I asked politely.

"Angel Brown? Why do you ask?" She questioned.

"He is my twin brother. I was hoping to speak to him sooner than later about an incident."

"Wait, Mr. Brown has a twin? I wasn't informed of this, so I have to assume you are a fake and an imposter!"

The librarian jumped over the counter and walked towards me with a look that could kill.

"Who are you, and what is your business with Mr. Brown? Speak or I shall force you!" The crazed librarian snarled.

Mr. Brown? Why did this crazy librarian keep addressing Angel in such a formal way, and why did the lady keep seeming like she was changing shape and form? Her clothes would on and off go from a librarian's uniform, to a maid outfit. I really didn't get today!

"I just told you! I'm Angel's twin sister!" I cried out.

"Liar! He doesn't have a sister! Imposter! What do you want with him! Speak up or die!" She screamed.

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