the real story as the last thing called jeff was rubbish

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Jeff pov 20 years ago

My sixteenth birthday was coming up and i was so excited my parents were finally going to let me get a pigeon for my birthday...yes i was a Strange child.

Anyway I went to the shop to buy some pizza and I saw some new flavours I had only ever had cheese before. I saw pineapple and pepperoni so i thought why don't I make them at home and so I did. I skipped home merrily and dug out some apples, a cheese pizza and a jar of grinded pepper out of the fidge. I would be lying if I said I made the pizza neat and presentable. I basically chucked pepper and chopped up apples onto the pizza chucked it into the oven to see what happened. I was still living at my parents and this point and you could imagine what they said when they came home and saw.......

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