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Saint woke up without the other warmth embracing him. He got up and panicked, he feel cold all of a sudden. He slowly stepped out in his bed, feeling the coldness of the floor. As he walk nearer towards the door, he heard muffled voices that he could recognize the other one. He let out a sigh of relief recognizing the beautiful and soothing voice of love of his life. He opens the door as quiet as possible but this stupid door was not helping as the creaking sound echoes the condo startling the two gentlemen looking straight back at his direction. He gasped when he recognized the other man, he immediately straightened himself and bowed 45 degree to show respect. He heard his prince whispered "Baby" but He stayed in that position for a couple of seconds, waiting patiently for the order of the latter.

 "Come here, young man. Join us, I have something to talk about." The man said, Saint looked at him and hesitantly walked towards them. He stiffly seated beside the prince who immediately reached out for his hand. "I heard a lot about you. Saint this and Saint that was all I could hear from my son's mouth." The King teased. "Father, stop." The embarrassed prince hissed. Saint smiled nervously, he doesn't know what to react in front of the King. "Relax. I'm not here to eat you. I'm not one of those shitty dads on the televisions." The king joked. "I'm here because I'm with you. I even sneaked out from the palace just to talk to both of you." He continued. The prince rubbing small circles to Saint's hand for him to relax which it helped. The man is not that bad as he imagine, Saint thought. "I will be taking Zee back to the palace this afternoon to clear things with the other party." The King added. Saint's grip tightened onto Zee's grasp. "Baby...""Of course, with you Saint. You will come with us." The king interrupted. "I don't think I'm re—""Baby, I need to confront them, together, with me. I need you. This is about us so we will fight together. It will be alright, I'm here." The prince said reassuringly. "O..okay." Saint answered. The prince wrapped his arms around Saint, holding him tight then kissing his forehead. "Trust me." The prince whispered.

"See you later then, lovebirds." The King intervened, the couple making him out of place.

 The palace was huge and luxurious. Guards and maids are all over the place doing their job. The couple went to the palace by the prince's expensive car. They were greeted by a fluffy Siberian Husky, prince's best friend. They went straight to the huge dining hall with long table wherein the confrontation will take place. They entered hand in hand, the princess and her parents were already there as well as the Prince's King and Queen. The couple sat opposite to the princess.

"I'm gonna make this quick. The princess is beautiful and kind but I can't marry her. I don't just marry someone I don't love. Forgive me but this marriage won't happened. My heart is already taken by someone.." He looked at Saint then smiled. "Forgive me." He got up and bowed to them for forgiveness.

"It's alright. No need to say sorry. We understand." The princess father said.Just that, the family bid their goodbyes and went out the palace. They remained in the hall, uncomfortable silence took place. The Queen had been quiet since the conversation earlier. The prince glanced at the queen. "Mother..." He called out. " I can manage the whole kingdom by myself. No need a wife beside me. I already have you and father with me as well as Saint. Mother please..." The prince begged. After a moment of silence, the queen sighed "Okay son, I understand. Love really always win, I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry to what I have done Saint and Zee. I know I'm selfish." The queen got up as well as the King and they left the room after.

The couple stayed, the prince hugged the quiet and trembling body beside him. "I told you, it will be alright." The prince whispered. "Thank you." Saint breathed out.

Saint moved out from his condo to the palace. The prince insisted to live together as he prepare being a King. Living in the prince world is not that hard as long as you where with the person you love the most, everything is fine. Saint thought.


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