Chapter 1

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I WOKE up in a strange room, with luxurious things inside. Everything that is inside looks luxurious. Where am I? I ask myself while roaming inside. I went out the room when a maid came to greet me " Good morning Ms. Selene, breakfast is ready. General is waiting for you in the dining table" she bow her head to me and was about to leave when I spoke, " Who's general you are talking about?" I asked really confused on what is really happening. "Your dad Ms. Selene" she answered politely. I just thank her and went straight to the dining table. My dad? But mom and dad died years ago. Grandma is my only guardian. Then who's that? I thought while walking. I reached the dining table and saw a man reading a news paper. I was surprised that I know where the dining is. Like I used to live here. "Oh, Selene come eat already. You'll be late in your school" I silently seat in front of the man. I bet he is the general. "Ahmm... Why am I here? Where is my grandma?" I ask looking straight at him. " What do you mean? Your grandma died last year after mourning your grandpa's death" he answered frowning at me. Grandma is dead? What really is happening? Why am I here? What year is it?

"What year is it now?" I asked while still looking at him. "It's year 1897 princess, why are you asking? Did you already forgot? Your turning 20 this year princess." He said looking at me weirdly. "Ah n-nothing" I just shake my head and eat my breakfast. How did I get here? Last thing I remember I fell on the stairs. I was lost in thought when I heard the general calling my name, " Selene... Selene!" I was shocked when I heard him shout, his voice echoed in the whole dining room. " I'm sorry father" I said embarrassed. I said the father like it was normal thing for me to say. " What are you thinking? Are you sick? Your not yourself since you came down. Did something happen?" He asked me worriedly. I feel embarrassed being like this in front of him. " I just had a nightmare, father. I'm sorry" I lied. I didn't have a nightmare. But maybe I am in dream, maybe this is just a dream. If that's the case I'll just act normal until I woke up. But this felt so real. I pinched myself secretly, hoping it's just a dream, but it hurts. I got hurt. How did I even get here?! I'll find it out later. I quietly eat my breakfast.

After we ate, I went straight to my room to change into my school uniform. I was stunned on how beautiful the school uniform is. I feel like I was in a historic drama. I look different. Oh my God I love this uniform. After I changed, I went down and saw the general talking to a guy in a soldier suit. He has inverted triangle shaped face with perfect straight nose and his intense eyes with an expressive eyebrows. And that soft looking plum lips of him. How a man can be this perfect? I walked towards them and the general saw me. "Oh, princess you're going to school?" He asked me but my attention is on the man. I can't stop looking at him, he looks so perfect. He looks at me and saw me staring at him. I look away feeling embarrassed. He just smile at me showing his boxy smile and a perfect set of teeth. "By the way this is Captain Kim, my most trusted soldier."  He said while laughing. Captain Kim scratch his nape out of shy. Captain Kim?! So he is the the captain I'm going to report to the class.

"Hi. I'm Captain Theodore Kim. You can just call me Theo. I'm 25." He straighten his arm for a handshake and I accept it while introducing myself "Selene Vitale. 19 turning 20 this year." He smiled at me and faced my father. "I'll go now general. I still have a meeting." He was about to go when my father asked him a favor. " Captain Kim? Can you drop her off at her school first? I can't do it now, I have paper works to finish" he asked looking sorry for bothering his soldier. "No problem general" he said smiling. He seems nice. It would not be a problem being with him. " Let's go now Ms. Selene you'll be late."

"No need for formality. Just Selene." I told him as it was uncomfortable. He just smile and we big our goodbye to my father. I'm getting comfortable calling him my father. We reached his car and damn boy it so cool. I just see cars like this in history movie and in books. "Ladies first" he said while opening the door for me. Such a gentleman. I smiled at him and get inside his car. Even the inside is so cool. The vintage design got me. I want to ride one someday. I smell his perfume as he get inside.

We're talking for an hour now and all I can is, he's so bubbly. You'll get comfortable with him. And the way he drives is freaking hot. He stop the car in front of the school. I still want to be with him, but oh well I need to go to school. He went out of the car while I'm fixing myself. I was shock when he open the door for me. "Thank you, Theo." I said while smiling at him. He's really a gentleman. "I'm going now. Good luck on your class" he said giggling. "Thank you again. See you next time, Theo." I waved my hand at him and get inside the school. I was amazed at its design. Everything is vintage. I love this. I'll enjoy being in here. I was walking in the hallway when a girl approach me. She's smiling widely and cling her arms around mine. " Excuse me, who are you?" I asked her frowning. Why's she clinging on me? Do I know her? "What are you saying? It's me Belle, your best friend. Are you sick?" Belle? Maybe the Selene in this year knows her, but not me. "I'm just kidding, of course I know you" she looks at me weirdly. "Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with what I said? I asked her "Oh nothing. By the way, I saw you came out from Captain Kim's car. Are you two dating?" She knows Theo too... But, wait what?! Dating?! Me and Theo dating?! Well it's not bad if we date. "No we're not. Father just ask him to drop me here since he can't do it today" I explain to her. We heard the school bell rings and we get inside our respective classroom.

WE'RE currently at the cafeteria and eating when one of my classmate join us. As I remember, he is Ian. Belle likes him. "Hi Belle. Hi Selene. If you don't mind, can I join you two?" He  asked politely. Belle is the one who answered him. "Of course we don't mind" Belle said while smiling widely and giggling. Of course you wouldn't mind, you like him after all. I laughed on my own thought. "I really don't like our teacher in English, she's so strict" Belle said while rolling her eyes. Well, even me don't like her. She's so strict. Like even just a small noise, she'll get mad. "Almost all of our teacher are strict, why   just our English teacher?" Ian is right, almost all of our teacher are strict. They're more strict than my teachers in the present. So this is how strict the teachers are before. "I don't like our teachers. They're all strict. The only teacher I like is our Architecture teacher" I said in a uninterested voice. They look at me with shock written all over their faces. " Why did I say something wrong?" I asked them confused. "It is the first time you don't like our teachers. You always say that they just want us to learn that is why they are strict. What changed your mind?" Uh oh I'm busted. "I just changed perspective now...yes I just changed. But it's still right, they just want us to learn. Strict teacher are the best teacher. All they want for students is to learn. Do you think we will learn if all of our teacher let us look at our notes everytime we have a test? Do you think we will learn to have time management if they will always let us be late on going to school or even passing our assignment? Strict teacher are important too. They're the one who balance the students." They look at me shocked. Jaw-dropped. Even me, I was shocked at myself too. I really said that? "Ok Ms. Honor student. We get what you want to say." Ian said still shock. We just eat and afterwards went to our next class.

IT'S already seven pm and our school just finished. Belle and Ian went home together since they're neighbors. I was waiting at the school entrance, but I don't know why. Maybe because this is what she always do. I was about to go when a car stopped in front of me. I know that car!

A man came out from the car and my heart start beating so fast. He was smiling at me. He's not on his uniform, he wears a casual suit. Did dad sent him to pick me up?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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Year 1897: To My Celestial LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ