His brother looked pale and.... Were his eyes bloodshot? Cheng's frown deepened, but after a while, he shrugged it off.

"He is always unpredictable..... " He said before following Wei Ying out to freshen up and get ready for the lectures.

Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying walked across Cloud Recessess, with Jiang Cheng stealing glances now and then from Wei Ying, who was looking pale... And his eyes must be playing games.. But was that a limp in his foot? It was very little, barely noticeable so Jiang Cheng again thought he must have mistaken.

"Are you alright? "  Cheng finally asked, making Wei Ying turn toward him. Did Cheng notice?

"Yes, everything is great why do you ask?"

"Its just--nevermind.... "

"Watcha thinkin chengcheng?? " Wei Ying asked with a mischievous grin, in order to hide his pain as he felt his wound slowly getting more painful as it spread to the middle of his foot.

"Shut up, dork. " Jiang Cheng said and rolled his eyes making Wei Ying laugh.

They saw Nie Huaisang catch up with them.

"Wei Xiong! Jiang Xiong! " He cheered and threw his arm around Wei ying's neck, throwing himself at his side, making him stagger a bit.

At normal times, he would have laughed and hugged back. But this time the stagger put pressure on his right heel making him almost roar in pain. But as always, he laughed back and put his arm around Huaisang's shoulders.

Nie Huaisang frowned as he saw his best friend's pale face.

"Wei Xiong... Are you alright? "

No, I am not.

"Of course I am alright! Now let's go, lecture's starting any moment! Shijie must be waiting. " Before anyone could say anything else, Wei Ying took his brother's and his friend's hands and dragged them to the class.

Jiang Yanli, who was already in the class, smiled brightly at the sight of her two brothers but her smile faded a little as she noticed too, Wei Ying's pale face. There was small beads of sweat on his forehead as well. Yet, as always he was smiling.

" Shijie! " He cheered and went toward her. She smiled, before putting the back  of her hand on her  brothers forehead, checking if he had any fever. Wei Ying flinched slightly. This is harder than I thought.

"A-xian, are you sick? " Yanli asked in concern.  Wei Ying laughed again. He could feel the blood filling inside of his boots, making him uncomfortable to stand.

"Im completely fine shije.. Lets sit down. Class is about to  start. " He said before going towards his seat. Yanli looked at cheng who shrugged, I dont know. They both sat down.

Wei Ying took a longer time to sit down than usual, careful not to put pressure on his right heel. He finally sat down with a small groan. No one seemed to hear it as everyone was  busy talking.

He wanted to cry again as the unbearable pain throbbed on his foot. The cut, he was now sure was more deep and more long. He was loosing blood fast... He had to endure it for the rest of the lecture, than hit his bed after nursing his wound.

Lan Wangji walked inside, posture as elegant as ever, walking quietly with majestic strides, making eyes turn towards him automatically. His face was rigid as usual as he sat down in his sit at the front, placing his sword down beside him.

At other times, Wei Ying would spring up and wave and talk to him loudly, greeting and teasing him. But today, lan Wangji did not even hear that melodious voice that made his heart do somersaults, almost making him think the said person was  not there. But he turned his head slightly to look at the beautiful man, only to find him looking at his table, jaw clenched almost unnoticeably, and his face white.

Bearing With It. {MDZS/The Untamed} SHORT STORY✅Where stories live. Discover now