Part 9! (finally)

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 The demon was wandering around the forest when he found something ...interesting. A being spying on some children. The being was glowing slightly, and had other beings surrounding it. Not uncommon for Gravity Falls, but odd still. The being noticed the demon.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" The being's voice was a low growl.

"I could ask the very same thing to you! Why are you spying on a few skeleton children?"

That got the being to stop for a moment. The being stared at the demon, a dead looking stare, a kind that would strike fear into the very SOUL of anyone. The demon remained unmoved.

"The name's Bill. Bill Cipher. Might I ask yours?" The demon, now known as Bill, looked at the being with... intrigue? It was hard to tell with his face consisting solely of an eye.

"Fate," replied the being, "And why, pray tell, were you also in this area of the woods? I do not think that this is a common walking path, nor do you look like a common being in this multiverse."

"I have a score to settle with some kids," replied Bill with what seemed to be an expression of disgust. Fate stared at him. They had very similar goals.

"It appears that we have coinciding goals. Perhaps we should join forces. It appears that our targets are doing the same." Fate smiled evilly.

Bill smiled, "Deal." He stuck out a hand, coated in a sort of blue fire, offering a handshake.

Fate accepted it, smiling.

The kids had no idea what they were up against.

(A/N) Ok so I finally got around to writing something! This was SUUPER late, I'm sorry.  I wasn't sure where this chapter would fit in, but I haven't updated this since march, so here ya go! There might not be another chapter for a while. 

Also Micha+ Bee, I know you're reading this >:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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