
318 19 65

2 May 1998

"No" he sobbed once he finally realised his fate

He tried climbing out of the gravel but was held back by the agonizing sensation stealing his mobility.

He tried kicking and pushing the debris off of him but he was stuck. Stones continued to fall burying him deeper and deeper into the mess of the remnants of the castle.

He slowly started to lose feeling in his legs and arms. He was too scared to look down at the remains of him.

His breathing remained heavy, sweat dripped down his face and crimson spilled out of his body.

Once he finally built up the courage to look at himself, he sobbed when he saw...

Dust colonised his lungs as he hacked and coughed up what he could. It was far too late for him.

He began to ponder what would kill him first. The dirt circulating around his lungs or the blood seeping out of his body like a tap.

When he entered this battle he assumed a quick simple killing curse would be the cause of his end.

He never would've imagined a slow painful death.

If he could, he would've laughed at how anticlimactic his death was.

After what felt like hours of killing, stunning and harming death eaters he'd expected his death to be just as exciting.

But no, no one ever gets the ending they want.

No book would ever be written about him now.

As far as the wizarding world knew he was still a cruel death eater.

The people that actually witnessed him fighting against his own side were probably dead by now.

No one would know that he died a hero.

Suddenly he thought of her.

How could he forget, the girl that made him feel after being numb for so long,

The girl that brought him out of his own darkness.

The girl he loved.

The girl who loved him.

Would now be alone in that cruel world.

He never got to say goodbye for the last time

He never got to hold her for the last time

He will never get to kiss her again.

He tried with all his might to get out. For her.

"No" he cried for the last time as his final breath slipped his lips.

Now was the end of his story

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