machine useage and sheme planning

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Natula:how are our plan to destroy the Precure's.

Jong:everything is going well mistress all we need to power up the machine is to take one very important item from each of the precure team.

Natula:ok now go before the precure find out what were up to.

Jong:yes mistress *leaves*.

Natula:i swear it hard to find good help these days ugh now this person there with must have great power to have many of them there so he going to be a problem too.

Mimi:so how are we going to take one important item from the pink cures.

Jin:trial and errors mimi but first it seems that we must take down that god of this space.

Mimi:why though .

???:because he can teleport precure there and have them fight us take examples the kira kira and smile and fresh and happiness charge precure.

Mimi:oh got and what the deal between you and that love girl.

???:because she help ruin our plan to take over all worlds.

Jin:ok then remember we will dispose the precure while many have fail.

Mimi:that is true and there talk about happiness and love bleh we don't need it.

???:that is true but the precure will try and reform us at there best effort.

Mong:now i am here to give you three something to take out that god and capture those fairies.

*hands them fairies catcher balls*

Mimi:ohh what are these though mong.

Mong:these are fairies catchers ball to captured the precure fairies because they can upgrade the precure powers and these are from the mistress.

Jin:from the mistress uh well now give our thanks to the mistress.

???:*fresh precure you care for that baby am going to take her from you four get ready cure peach and passion*

Mong:now i must take my leave now goodbye and remembers what happens to those who fails the mistress.

Mimi/jin/???:yessir we won't fail.

precure all stars on sideline one shotWhere stories live. Discover now