Chapter - 23 (Avengers - Age of Ultron)

Comenzar desde el principio

Cap: Language! Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?

Steve asks making his way to the main fort,

Jarvis: The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond and other HYDRA base we've taken.

Thor then lands on a small group of Strucker's men and easily takes care of them.

Thor: Loki's sceptre must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defence without it. At long last.

(Y/N): I agree with twinkle toes.

Strucker's soldiers kept on coming as (Y/N) and Nat took out a small machine guns nest, Nat throw a grenade into the back of a jeep taking to out as (Y/N) kicked the asses of everyone trying to shot them. 

Nat: 'At long last' is lasting a little long, boys.

Nat says as (Y/N) brakes a guards neck.

(Y/N): I like it... it's like family bonding.

He says standing next to Nat.

Nat: Oh, please explain.

Nat asks smiling.

(Y/N): Well, Steve's the Grandpa that served in the war, Thor the cool uncle everyone loves but you don't get to see him often, Tony's the rich uncle everyone only likes 'cause he gives you cool shit for Christmas, Hulk is the one that people put up with as he's useful for handy work, I'm the roguishly handsome Son that has two kick ass girlfriends...

Nat lifts his helmet and gives him a quick kiss, but the moments ruined by Clint.

Clint: What about me?

(Y/N): Oh... your the adopted one, but he doesn't know it yet.

They then get shot at and go in different directions as Clint hides behind a tree and shot an arrow at the bunker that's giving them all the trouble.

Clint: Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise.

Iron Man: Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'Language;?

Cap: I know.

Cap then goes head on with a jeep and jumps off and throws it at the jeep making the jeep flip and take out the soldiers on it,

Cap: Just slipped out.

(Y/N) looks at Nat, but Nat stops him.

Nat: I swear, if you say 'That's what she said' I will hit you.

Toxin: I second that.

The two then turned around to see Toxin land next to them.

(Y/N): Where you been?

Toxin: ... I don't really know... that direction.

Toxin said pointing to her left and their right.

Nat: Doesn't matter, let's go.

Iron Man then flies over the fort trying to take most of the attention of the big guns.

Jarvis: Sir, the city is taking fire.

Tony: Well, we know Strucker's not gonna worry about civilian casualties. Send in the Iron Legion.

5 suits of armour similar to Iron Man's flies down to the city, they land in different spots of the city and try to get everyone to safety.

Iron Legion 1: This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. We are here to help.

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