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"Happy birthday, my love!" I didn't know if I should hug Sutton or not and ended up just awkwardly handed over a gift before joining the rest of the party in the park. Restrictions had been eased for a few weeks during the summer and gatherings were allowed of 30 outside.
I'd know the birthday girl a while and we were set to work together had the world not gone to shit this year, so I was humbled to be asked to her party but I, like everyone else, was finding being back in the world a little confusing. I found myself a drink and checked my phone. I'd been staying with a friend in New York during the last few months, after sort of getting trapped in March, and I text him to let him know I'd made it safe.

"You finding this as weird as me or have I just gone a little lockdown crazy?" The very tall, very hot guy next to me asked as he grabbed a drink too.

"You know what, it's a bit strange right. I think I enjoyed being a hermit."I chucked and he grinned a dazzling smile. "I'm still not sure of the etiquette of things"

"Yes elbow bumps are not the most graceful way to greet people" he held out his bent arm for me to bump and I did so "hi, I'm Peter" he smiled.

"Sophie, nice to meet you. You work with Sutton, right?"

"Ha, I like how you put that. Conversations about acting don't normally go like that. It sounds like we have discussions around a photocopier and file reports when you phrase it as working together"

"Ok, how about - you get paid to flirt with Sutton whilst someone films?" I teased.

"Not much better there either" we both laughed.

"Yes, we've known each other a long time now. I saw the show you guys did a while ago. You were amazing" he leant his hand on the table next to us and began to relax and I felt myself relax too.

"Thank you. I'm a fan of Younger, I'm definitely team Charles" I smiled and we took a sip of drink "you know you're the first person I've had a non-electronic conversation with other than my housemate in months!"

"I'm privileged you've chosen me" his voice was deep and as he leant a little closer; he smelled incredible. "You here on your own?"

"I am yes. I'm having to keep my housemate updated on my every move though as he's a little paranoid about me being out" Peter nodded at my phone as it lit up again. "You here with your wife?" I'd spotted his wedding ring. It was rather chunky and tapped on his glass bottle as his sipped. He fumbled with the ring and twisted it on his finger before replying.

"Uhh, no just me. We Umm, well we've sort of separated. Not sort of, we actually have separated"

"Shit sorry."

"No don't be. It's been coming a little while" he took a big drink of his beer and I didn't know what to say.

"Lockdown has to have been hard"

"You know what? It's not been so bad. We've all been together, the separation happened at the end of last year and we've managed to spend the last few months talking things through, and planning a future where we're friends and there for the kids and each other." He smiled a warm smile at the thought of the last few months and it all sounded very healthy.

"Well this has got very deep very quickly" I tried to lighten the mood.

"It has. Sorry. Come on, let me find you some more non-electronic people to talk to"

I mingled, I ate and drank and had a wonderful evening with real people celebrating a beautiful person's birthday in the middle of a very strange time in the world. Peter had stuck around and I found myself drawn to talking to him. He was funny and smart and beyond good looking - all around great company.
I said my goodbyes as the sun went down I was a little tipsy now as was everyone else and I gave Sutton a much more relaxed good bye with a quick hug. "You heading off?" Peter asked as i found my jacket from picnic chair.

"I am yes, I'm going to walk back and it'll take a little time so I though I'd head now before it gets far too chilly" although summer, it was still a bit cold after sunset and I didn't fancy walking back in the full-on dark.

"Do you fancy some company?" He asked his face quizzical.

"You don't have to leave yet" I tried.

"I don't have to no, but I'd like to walk you home. I'm a gentleman like that" he smiled and helped me with my jacket. "Come on, I'll sneak out with you. I'll see most of these people at work" he placed his hand in the small of my back as we headed out of the park and towards the street.
As we walked, we talked about everything and anything. We talked about his kids and how he was struggling with homeschool, but was loving every second of being with them so much. "So now we spilt assets and are heading back to the city, I've bought a house, a few doors up from them and living on my own some of the time is going to be weird."

"Have you not been staying in the city then?"

"No we have a house in the Hamptons, so I'm there at the moment but Mariska starts filming in a few weeks we both need to be in the city so we're heading back"

"Sounds like a plan" it sounded like he had been through this a lot in his head.

"And now I'm rambling to a very pretty girl all about my divorce dramas"

"Not at all! I'm getting to know you. I asked about it, and you're being honest" I reached for a comforting touch on his arm as we walked.

"So where's your new place?"

"Upper west side." He gestured in the other direction to which we were heading.

"Are you there now? Where have you got to get back to?" I asked worried we were heading in totally the wrong direction for him.

"I'm driving back out of the city. It's not too long a trip. I've left my car at Sutton's, so I'll head back there after seeing you home" I wanted to protest that he shouldn't have come so out of his way just to walk me home, but I was loving spending time with someone new, I was really enjoying being with this someone new especially so I simply blushed and thanked him again.
As we neared the apartment I'd started to slow down a little, not really wanting this to end. It was dark now, but not as cold as I thought it would be, it felt fresh, the lights of the city sparkled and I felt almost normal for the first time this year.

"So, I wondered if you fancied maybe Umm, perhaps when I'm in the city again..." he mumbled a little which wasn't something he'd done much of this evening.

"I'd love to" I interrupted my hand on his shoulder trying to stop his embarrassment.

"Great. I'm sorry, I'm shit at this. I've very out of practice" he blushed.

"Don't apologise. Right, Give me your phone" I held my hand out and he fished in his pocket before handing it over unlocked. I put my number in his phone and handed it back. He quickly sent a text, I felt my phone vibrate, before putting it away. "So, this is me" I gestured up at the building.

"Very nice" he smiled looking up. "I'm glad you got back safe"

"Thank you for being very chivalrous"

"It's my pleasure." He put his hands in his pockets awkwardly, not knowing quite what to do next.

"Sooo, I will, call you"

"I hope you will" I smiled coyly and headed in.

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