II: The Equipment Room's Broken Broom

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CRUSH CH. 2: The Equipment Room's Broken Broom


The ear grating, high-pitched sound of the whistle rang forcefully.

"Good job, everyone." The players all said at the same time.

It's almost six o'clock in the evening at this time. Players from the volleyball club have begun packing their belongings in preparation for their departure. The entire gymnasium is full with hustling butles and student banter; the entire space is filled with harmony, in stark contrast to the dark and chilly night outside.

"Kiyoko-senpai, where do I put this?" Yumeji asked, motioning to the volleyball cart.

Kiyoko couldn't help but pat his head as she looked over. His face has an uncanny ability to elicit feelings of admiration and fondness. The delicate face shape, supple and tender skin, and a set of gem-like eyes. His eyes drooped slightly, giving him a well-behaved, innocent appearance.

"Over there," Kiyoko said, pointing to the half-opened equipment room before returning to wiping down the sweat-soaked benches.

He passed Tanaka, Sugawara, and Daichi as he made his way to the equipment room, where they were discussing the troublesome duo that Kiyoko and Yumeji had met earlier in the afternoon.

Tanaka jests, "They'll probably say, "Let us in if we can beat you in a match."

"That's possible," Sugawara said, amused, "but all they have to do is show a little contrition, that's all."

Tanaka was about to call Yumeji when the gymnasium doors slammed open, startling the two, including Yumeji, who was standing nearby. They jerked their heads towards the door, only to see the duo's familiar faces.

"Captain!" exclaimed the two. Daichi was taken aback by the call.

"Let us challenge you to a match," they said loudly, just as Tanaka predicted. Sugawara, Daichi, and Tanaka had gathered in front of the duo.

"The two of us against you, senpais," Hinata added, unfazed by Tanaka's laughter at his comments.

"Are these guys for real?" Was the last thing Yumeji heard from their chat. He wasn't about to eavesdrop on their conversation; he had things to do and places to be.

He observed a broken broom discreetly tucked in one of the room's corners as he rolled and moved the cart to where it could be readily hauled out.

"Hm? Why is there a broken broom here? This should be thrown away," Yumeji mumbles as he was going to take it up, but a hand stopped him.


It was Kiyoko.

Whipping his head towards her, she clearly saw the question mark floating above his head.

He looked like a small kitten who had been separated from its mother, with furrowed brows and befuddled blinks.

"Just leave it be." Her voice softens unconsciously as she speaks.

Yumeji shook his head as if he were a baby rattle, "Aren't you going to ask why we just left it there?"

The question mark above his head just about multiplied at her words, "Isn't it just a broken broom?"

Maybe the gymnasium doesn't have enough funds to buy a new broom?

Kiyoko stared at the broom, appearing to be reminiscing, a pained look in her eyes, "It is an unresolved grievance."

The atmosphere around Kiyoko seemed to have darkened, but Yumeji was just feeling awkward, not knowing how to deal with this situation.

"Ano, I'll just bring a broom tomorrow, Kiyoko-senpai; you don't have to be upset about it being broken," Kiyoko's reverie was shattered by his remarks; looking at his clear, innocent eyes she couldn't help but chuckle as she imagined how strange it would be for him to see simply her being sad over a broken broom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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