“I just slept on his couch,” Harry said. It was embarrassing talking about him sleeping with someone on television! The color of crimson on his cheeks only added up to why people didn’t believe him. The audience laughed.

“Really?” Alan said. “He slept on his couch!” He announced to the audience who laughed even more.

“It’s true!” Harry had actually slept on the couch… with Louis. “Why are you laughing?” That made them laugh even harder. “It’s true!” Their laughing at his poor excuses was a little humiliating and definitely embarrassing, but the laughs made it all so obvious. People knew they were a thing, and they only had fun with the fact that he tried to deny it. It felt like they were accepting and Harry didn’t feel like he was hiding so much anymore.
The thing was, Harry’s fans seemed fine with him dating Louis (and obviously the being gay part), but it was Louis’ fans that worried him. Louis was part of a worldwide famous band and not only his career was on the line. Millions of teenage girls were holding the boys’ future in their hands and it all depended on how they did this. So far everything had gone pretty well, apart from the fact that all this drama lately had given the pair a massive amount of publicity and this all had turned into a much bigger deal than it could’ve been.

“So, young Harold,” Alan said, catching his attention. “You were in Australia with Louis, correct? How was that?”

Horrible. Heartbreaking. Some hours were the worst of my life. “It was lovely.”


“Yes, absolutely.” Before the whole situation had occurred, yeah.

“We’ve all seen the pictures of Louis together with a girl. And then you tweeted about things not being what it seemed?”

Harry shrugged. Nope, he wasn’t talking about this.

“Care to explain?” Alan prompted and the audience leaned in anticipation.

“No comment.” Harry said simply.

“Oh, really?” Harry shrugged again. Alan seemed to get that he wouldn’t get another answer, and dropped the subject. The interview went on.

After the interview Harry was chastised for not talking about Louis more and not answering more questions about Australia. Harry just shrugged it off. His publicist didn’t know the reasons why Louis had left him that one night, so he didn’t really care what she said about that. When Harry was done, he immediately went to his hotel room. He passed the mass of fans outside the hotel, four guards surrounding him. When he finally got up, he flung himself on his bed, exhausted. He had had so much work lately. Interviews and publicity tricks and meetings, and on top of that, his normal job that included charity work and galas and openings. He was so exhausted he wanted to cry. But his phone made sounds, not letting him close his eyes.

“What?” he groaned into the phone, slightly annoyed.

“You could sound a little happier to speak to your lovely sister,” Gemma said over the line.

“What do you want?”

“Just reminding you of the wedding. It’s on Saturday. On Friday’s the rehearsal dinner, which your secret boyfriend is going to be performing at, and Satan will also attend, but I doubt you’ve forgotten that. Anyway, the last fitting will be Thursday morning, that is tomorrow and on Friday the car will pick you up at five.”

“Thank you, lovely sister.” Harry knew all of this already. He’d been dreading it all for weeks. Every painful detail had printed itself stuck in his brain. Luckily Louis would be there, something he hadn’t counted on being something of comfort until weeks ago. It had been almost two months now since they first met and they’d seen each other almost every day. It felt surreal that weeks ago he would have thought he’d be facing all this on Saturday by himself, when now Louis had promised to be by his side.

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