3. Bokuto and Akaashi

Start from the beginning

In shock, I ended up listening to the beeping of an ended call for way longer than necessary and thanked whatever god there is that no one was around to witness me being an idiot. 

Still feeling incredibly dumb and a little curious about my call with Bokuto, I changed from pajamas to leggings and a crop top. I threw my hair into a cute messy bun, put on some mascara and headed downstairs. 

My aunt was lounging in the small window seat in the living room reading a large book and she glanced up at me, "Going somewhere again?" She asked, a single eyebrow raised. 

I nodded while putting on my sneakers, "Yeah I'm going to Bokuto's. Can I please have a bit of money for the bus?" I laced my fingers together hoping she would say yes.

Ai sighed, "Alright but I can't keep dishing out money like I have been okay? My boss cut down my hours at the office in order to train someone new so I won't have as much as usual for a couple weeks."

"Of course, I promise I'll stop asking as much as I have been. Thank you Ai, I really appreciate all that you've been doing for me already," I looked down sadly. My aunt took me in and has bought me new clothes, food, school supplies, and has been paying my phone bill for months now. I felt bad asking even more of her.

Shaking her head and getting up from the window seat, she smiled softly at me, "I know you do and I don't mind doing what I have been at all. I'm just letting you know that I won't be able to do quite as much for a little while." I kept quiet as the woman I've grown to look up to rummaged around in her purse. 

She handed me just enough for the bus ride there and back and then gave me the same lecture on being safe as she always does when I'm about to leave.

"Oh and Buttercup?" Aika called when I was out the door.

"Yeah Ai?" 

"Have fun," She smiled brightly at me causing me to smile back before I shut the front door behind me.

Going to Bokuto's house was one of the things I looked forward to the most after school and on weekends. Sometimes it was only the two of us and other times some of Bo's teammates would be there too. Kaida and B/F/N came with me once but they prefer going to cafes and stuff over what we'd do which was - lets face it - usually something dumb.

I sent the horned owl looking boy a quick text to let him know that the bus was almost to the stop closest to his house to which he replied to a couple minutes later. He was already walking to the stop to meet me. 

The music that played through my earbuds was a welcome distraction from the anxiety pooling in my gut. Being surrounded by so many people in such a small space really freaked me out and the only thing I've found so far that helps is music. I really hated the bus.

The bus jolted to a halt and I rushed out onto the pavement of the sidewalk as fast as possible, taking a deep breath of cool air. It was nice to get out of that small space. 

"Hey hey hey Y/N!" Bokuto was standing a few feet away with a wide smile on his face. And like every other time I've gotten off the bus he ran to me and squeezed me in a bear hug. 

I gasp, "Bo.... c-can't b-breathe." I tapped him on the back.

"Sorry Princess but you're just so nice to hug!" I giggled at my best friend and linked our arms together, "Lets go Bo-kun."

We chatted during the short walk to his house, him telling me all about the next volleyball game that would be taking place in a week. I wanted to go but I wasn't sure if I'd be welcome by everyone on the team.

That might sound ridiculous to some but I just didn't see how that many people would want me around. The only person I knew that would one hundred percent want me there is Bokuto. And as much as I hate to think about it, I knew the teams setter Akaashi preferred to keep his distance from me. I couldn't explain to anybody why he tried his best to avoid me but I had an inkling that I had done something to either hurt him personally or hurt someone close to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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