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        Izzy, Liberty, and the man known as The Doctor, were standing outside an old, royal blue police box. The Doctor snapped his fingers and one of the wooden doors swung open. He stepped inside leaving the two girls staring at the wooden doors in confusion.

        "Well, are you coming?" The Doctor says, poking his head out the door.

        "Are you mad? How can you possibly expect the three of us to fit in there?" Izzy snaps at The Doctor.

        "And we only just met you." Liberty adds, gesturing to the school to prove her point.

        "Oh come on, you can trust me. I'm The Doctor." He says, closing the door to the strange police box and yet again, leaving both of the girls outside in confusion, but also curiosity.

        "Well," Izzy turns to Liberty, "He doesn't really look like some crazed murderer."

        "Are you kidding me? He's wearing a trench coat for Pete's sake. Don't tell me you actually trust this guy!" Liberty exclaims, trying to change Izzy's mind but it's too late. Izzy was already taking a step towards the box and as she gripped the handle, Liberty decided that she couldn't just leave her friend alone with this strange man. So when Izzy pulled the door open, she too walked in, not knowing what to expect.

        "Go on, say it. They always do." The Doctor says, not looking up from pushing buttons and pulling levers around a circular console-type thing. 

"It's...., It's.......," Liberty stuttered, her iron grey eyes roaming around the extraordinary room in utter shock and fascination.

        "Unimpressive." Izzy finished her friend's sentence, her steel blue eyes also scanning the intriguing scene in front of her. The Doctor looks at her in shock.
         "Just kidding." she says.Liberty finishes her sentence "It's Amazing!"

        "See, there you go! I knew you two would figure it out." The Doctor's chocolate brown eyes light up with affection. His gaze meets both of the girl's as he watches them observe his ship.

        "So hold on tight and get ready for the trip of your life. Say it with me now, Allons-y!" He tells the girls, running a hand through his hair and gets a mad gleam in his eyes before raising one hand, about to pull one final lever.

        "Woah, woah, woah, just hold on one moment. First of all, how can this thing even move? And second, why would we go anywhere with some guy we know nothing about and thought was our physics teacher just moments ago?" Liberty questions the strange man, crossing her arms and giving him a stern look.

        "What she meant was, get us out of this place so I don't have to go to Math." Izzy tells The Doctor, raising her eyebrows at Liberty, trying to get her in on her little plan.

        "No, she's right. I did rush into everything. I suppose I should tell you a bit about myself." The Doctor says. Izzy and Liberty look to him with curious and expectant glances.

        "Well, go on." Izzy tells him, leaning against one of the railings around the console and like her friend, crosses her arms.

        "Oh right, well um, how should I put this.......," 

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