Three steps to heaven H.O

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a/n: Inspired by Three steps to heaven by Eddie Cochran.

Warnings: Fluffff, typos???

Step 1: You find a girl to love.

"Mum I told you I don't want to go on a date." Harrison groaned over the phone as she tried to set him up with someone again because his mother thought her son's love live was a bit non-existent. The real reason Harrison wasn't out there was because he was afraid to love again, with the way his last relationship ended he didn't want to repeat his mistake again. "Okay, you know what? Just one date. I will go on one date and that's it." He sighed in defeat, his mother squealing with joy.

The night of the date came sooner than Harrison expected it to, so here he was sitting in the restaurant and waiting for you and mindlessly scrolling through his phone. "Harrison?" A sweet voice caught his attention, he whipped his head up and the second he saw you, he felt the entire world stop. He was a nervous wreck but little did he know that you found it quite adorable how he kept stumbling over his words.

By the end of the night Harrison knew he was falling for you but he kept reminding himself that it was just one date, nothing more. But he let his heart take control and almost drove himself off a cliff by asking you for a second date, to which you agreed. Maybe letting his heart take control this time wouldn't be that bad.

Step 2: She falls in love with you.

It had been almost eight months since the second date and the two of you haven't been happier, bringing out the best in the other and being there in their highs and lows. And that's how you found yourself laying beside each other in his backyard, stargazing. When it got a bit chilly you slipped out you hand that was intertwined with his and cuddled into his warmth as he wrapped his hands around you in a protective way. "God, I'm so in love with you." You thought out loud, toying with the strings of his hoodie. "What?" Harrison furrowed his brows and looked down at you, you began to freak out because this was the first time you had ever said that you loved him and trying to find the right words to explain

"I love you too." He whispered and kissed your forehead, tightening his grip around you. All it took was one kiss on your forehead to assure you that everything was fine and will be fine.

Step 3: You kiss and hold her tightly

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The priest announced, Harrison was quick to pull you in and crash his lips onto your glossed ones, your hands cupping his cheeks as both your families cheered. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours, not being able to wipe off his grin, "I love you so much."

"I love you too." You beamed at him.

"Shall we Mrs. Osterfield?" He asked and extended his elbow out for you to link, you blushed, still getting used to the new name and linked your arm around his; heart bubbling with joy to finally be his. 

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