Chapter 1:Legilimens and Seer

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Of course I was not born as Mridula Winger. I was born as Mridula Sheinazaik in a wealthy Bengali pureblood family in Kolkata, India on 13th August 1973 to  Mr. Ramchandra Sheinazaik, a professional quidditch player and Mrs. Champa Sheinazaik, who was a legilimens and a celebrated seer. Mridula was a legilimens by birth.  My family was earlier conservative....not now after my marriage. Well, we shouldn't use the word 'conservative' because members of my family were allowed to be friends with halfbloods, muggleborns and even muggles and even respect their cultures.....but were bound to marry purebloods, just to maintain blood purity. Marrying or having an affair with halfbloods or muggleborns was considered a sin.

My family was a joint family. Two years later my cousin, Sam Sheinazaik was born on 7th April 1975. He was the only male heir, but still all of the children were treated equally. I had 5 older cousins(all were girls). They were quite older than me. All had graduated. As I was the youngest of the girls, I was pampered a lot. So in short there were many female members in my family resulting it to be female dominant.

From the very beginning I had imbibed the values of Sheinazaiks. I was aware about my restrictions. I had many muggle friends. I even attended a muggle school as wizarding education started from the age of 11. I could play quidditch well(not like my father), but was not interested in it. I loved music and even sang Rabindra Sangeet. As I was a legilimens as well, which helped me sometimes.

But my mother was always strict. Well, the reason was that she could see the 'future' of her daughter...not clearly. She always feared that her daughter would break the 'purity' of her family and if her daughter would commit this sin.....her family would ensure that she is banished.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter!

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