Pikachu harrumphed, his temper tested by the fire garbage man.

As you both walked off in the direction of the stadium hallway, silence followed through. From that unsettling conversation, you suppose it makes sense for the three of you to be silent. You tilted your head subtly Midoriya's way, trying to get him out of his intense devising, as you mused lightly. "So...that's the number...3? Todoroki's father? He really does give the aura of someone powerful huh?"

"A-Ah," Fumbled out of his thoughts, Midoriya slowed down on his walk. "Actually he's the number 2 hero (Last)-san. Sorry, were you scared?"

"No, nothing like that." You shook your head lightly, smiling a little. "I wouldn't care what he wanted to talk to me about, but I wouldn't let my Pokemon near him, especially from what I heard from Todoroki-kun." Then you looked at him with a raised brow. "Instead, I'm pretty surprise with you, that was cool."

Midoriya blushed, "That was nothing (Last)-san!"

You simply hummed, ignoring Midoriya's rambling to discredit himself as you voiced your thoughts. "To be honest, I wondered why he looked so familiar. That's when I realize Todoroki-san has his eyes, at least one of them." You glared to the ground exasperatedly, still slightly annoyed at a certain conversation you had with the half-and-half boy. You snorted. "He should really look in the mirror after telling that I have his eyes..."

There was a disgruntled grumbling coming from you, as Midoriya only watched in light confusion. Your anger made Midoriya a little unsettled, as Pikachu patted your cheek to ease you, giving you a look. You bounced out of that headspace after a moment of clearing your emotions, realizing what you had done. You could only sigh, smiling a bit wryly at a wide-eye Midoriya. "...Sorry, I'm being a little bit sour huh?"

"N-No, not at all-,"

"It's okay for you to say it's true, you know?" You teased a little. You sighed again, releasing all of your distaste for the Todoroki boy at the moment. "I know I'm probably being really petty getting mad over something like this...but it's kind of hard to clear that feeling away with all these thoughts in my head..."

A sudden seriousness flashed through Midoriya's face, his brows furrowing worriedly. He looked hesitant, but you caught the way he looked this time, making you stare at him curiously. He uncertainly began. "I-It's about your Pokemon...the one that helped in USJ right?" You blinked, surprised as Midoriya nervously rambled. "I'm sorry, I got worried about you and asked All Might...he told me the gist of it."

You huffed, more from the frustration of that topic. "It's fine. But yeah, I'm just stressed out." You crossed your arms tightly, looking away from Midoriya. "After they got checked up, the rest of the Pokemon are more in the clear, but Gardevoir and Absol are the hardest to clear up-they had to be kept a little longer. If things don't go successful here in this sports festival...it might be...a long while until I can see them again."

There was a sardonic tone through your words, a worriness consuming you. You just looked truly tired, and you must be from planning and running around here and there to keep things in order with the Pokemon. You added dryly. "If the Pokémon's aren't at least more accepted than the average." You frowned. "I just...don't know anymore."

Pikachu's ears fell a little at your sad tone. Midoriya's brows furrowed worriedly before he said as seriously as he could. "...The Pokemon are being really loved right now (Last)-san, don't lose hope."

"Hmm...thanks." You shrugged, smiling a bit to shake off the sudden sourness around you two. Then you thought about it a bit, Pikachu tail lightly hitting the back of your head. "But anyway, speaking of Todoroki-kun. I might've taken his words a little too harshly, especially when we were trying to fix things between us. I'll talk to him about it later on so don't worry about that."

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