Jealous Adler

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A/N: Again, after the nukes were stopped


The team gathered at the safehouse to celebrate their success, mostly just drinking and playing board games for hours. Bell ended up getting reeeaallly drunk, flirting with the guys and talking about them with Park. Adler listened to Bell go on and on for awhile, annoyed that she hadn't said one thing about him. The woman ended up going to her room with Mason, laying on her bed. Bell wrapped her arms around Mason, they were about to make out before someone opened the door, none other than Russell Adler. Mason coughed and got off of Bell, looking embarrassed and knowing he'd likely be in deep shit for that. Adler grunted and spoke. "Mason, Woods is looking for you, get out there." Mason raised an eyebrow in question before leaving the room. Adler shut the door and walked over to Bell. "Bell, you're drunk, the hell were you thinking?" He rolled his eyes and climbed onto the bed, hovering over her and trapping her between his arms. She only giggled drunkenly, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso. Adler shook his head and chuckled, leaning down and leaving soft kisses down her neck. "You'd rather have Mason over me? I thought you said he was like a brother to you." Bell snorted and tangled her fingers in Adler's bouncy hair. "You're jealous~" Her breath smelled heavily of alcohol. Adler groaned. "Yeah, right." He rolled his eyes, carefully running his hand up her shirt and feeling her stomach, to which Bell shivered and arched her back, gently tugging at his hair.

Bell laid asleep on Adler's bare chest, breathing quietly. Adler laid there quietly smoking a cigarette with his hand on her back, gently stroking up and down in a soothing way. There was a knock at the door, he rolled his eyes. "Come in." Ah, it was the entire team, all trying to hold back laughs. He figured they could hear him and Bell. The woman was damn loud, no matter how many times Adler hushed her. "What do you want?" He glared at them. Mason spoke first. "You kicked me out so you could take my spot?" He laughed. Adler rolled his eyes and carefully climbed out of the bed, trying not to wake bell. All he had on was a pair of jeans that weren't zipped up and a belt that wasn't buckled. He pushed them back and shut the door. "Out. All of you." He groaned, turning back to see Bell staring at him with a smile on her face. "Round 2?" She asked, making Adler smirk and nod.


chapter was a bit shorter than i wanted it to be but oh well. any suggestions for the next part?

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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