chaptter II

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Diagon alley

I wake up to Eloise's soft murmuring, trying to wake me up.

"Brooke, you've got to get ready for today" her voice is as sweet as sugar, how am i suppose to wake up when she sounds like she's taking me back to sleep.

I groaned, but thats all i could do, and just rolled on the other side of the bed, trying to get a few extra minutes of sleep.

Another prson come in and there was low muttering at first, before i heard nick say "lemme show you how" and he just jumped on the bed beside me, making me fly for a second as i screamed.

"Morning sunflower" he said so calmly, as i looked at him, my eyes wide open,
"YOU IDIOT" i screamed, taking the pillow and throwing it on top of him, he could've just got away, he's much more stronger than i am, but he didnt, there was just muffling sounds of laughter, and he gave eloise a thumps up as he just stayed there, the pillow blocking his sight.

"Kids" she rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, probably going back to bed before caroline wakes up.

Nick finally decided to get away from me, laughing so hard "you shouldve seen your face, it was priceless" he said, holding his side as he laughed.

"I hate you" i snarked at him, he responded with a laugh and a kiss on my forehead, i couldnt really be angry at him after that, but i tried to pull him out of the room, eventually he got out by himself.

I got into some slightly fancy robes that i barely ever wear, and just got out, got all of the money for my books as i went downstairs.

Nick, mum and Eloise were chit chatting and playing with caroline every once in a while, dad seems to be nowhere to be found.

Nick looked up at me and smiled happily "had a good morning?" He asked casually, as if he didnt almost give me a heart attack five minutes ago.
"No" i said, narrowing my eyes at him, "because someone wanted to wake me up like we're in the middle of war" i glared at him, nudging his arm, which just resulted by a chuckle.

"You're such a heavy sleeper, that was the only way to wake you up." He defended himself, and before i could reply, mum spoke.

"Well no time for your bickering, the potters must've already arrived at diagon alley, are you ready? Got everything with you?" She asked, tilting her head just alittle, i just looked at her with a wide grin on my face and nodded, to which she gave her usual kind smile, and we both stood up "alright then, ill get the floo powder" she said as she walked outside the room, and i just waited for her to come back.

I go wondering about james, he's probably gonna ask me a ton of questions about lily, even though i just met her once through summer, i wonder whether he really likes her or is he just playing around. I hope he isn't just trying to get her heart to break it, because then I'll have no other choice than break his legs, and as much as i hope this won't happen, its just to keep it fair.

James and have been friends all our life. We've been really close until he went to hogwarts, we still are, but james and i both changed so much and I'm never sure if we'll ever be like before, his friends being the one that replaced me. But its alright because i can tease him all the time about the face that lily evans is my bestfriend and not his.

Mom eventually found the floo powder, nick and eloise waved at me goodbye and we both went to the fireplace.
"Dont forget, loud and clear, brooke" she reminded me as i nodded with a smile. I took the grey-ish magical powder into my hand, and shouted as clear as i could.
"Diagon alley!"


I open my eyes to find myself at the leaky cauldron, all covered with ash, i dusted it off of my cloak as i got out of the fireplace, looking around for the potters, but not seeing any of them.

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