Entry 008: P. Haven

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I changed my mind.

And it is the strangest thing. Jarring how I went from hating her guts to liking her. Valerie is gone, probably in a horrible way, probably by Evan's hand. But Max is still here, still kind. I like the Rachael Rosen thing her eyes do. I like how she is sweet despite the fact that she is in here, inside the mouth of the beast. She is still my child of the mind.

Asa is not as terrible as I originally thought either. The experience of human existence has changed him. I have no idea why Evan thought that him and Max interacting would be a good idea after their first monitored interactions being bad ones. Asa displayed emotion only when he raged about Max and how much he loathed her. Then he was put into his creator's head after poor Aston's own brain was scooped out. Now he suddenly defends and adores Max. He is animated and quick only when it comes to Max.

What strange things has Evan done to them? It doesn't matter anymore. I decided I will not stand for any of his shit.

Starting today.

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