A Merry Christmas Attack

Start from the beginning

"Thats nice." She sighed.

"What is it?" I took her hand.

"McGonagall's said that I've got a position waiting in the Auror's department, coming summer. Since the apprenticeship program is almost equivalent to the training. I've been thinking about it but I can't come to a conclusion." She looked up from our fingers.

"Ginny, you said you want to go find a career in Quidditch. I say go for your tryouts and see how it turns out. Get your feedback in that area too. You're getting this position because you weren't just involved in the war last year, you were an apprentice and McGonagall's right. I've read about them-"

"You read about Apprenticeships?" She chuckled. I gave her a disapproving judging look but she did it all the more.

"Yes. And it's endgame is a confirmed a spot to be an Auror. That's why its an Honour to achieve."

"Yeah, well, after my Wizard..." Her smile faded, "...he's dead, Harry. I failed." She shook her head, got up and went to lay on her bed, back against the plain light wood headboard. I looked around her room and there was something I'd never noticed when I'd come to her room, countless number of times. A picture. On her reading desk. Of Professor Dumbledore and herself. The way he was smiling with her beside him, showed that it was probably a professional picture but it seemed to have meant something to her. I picked up the little frame from the corner of the desk.

"We took this my first day of work. It came in the daily prophet. This picture." She smiled. I realized she'd cut it out of the paper, "Silly that I felt like saving it."

"You meant a great deal to him, y'know." I sighed, putting the frame back and heading to bed. I laid with my legs flat and crossed in front of me and back against the head board. She snuck in my arm and laid her head back on my shoulder, "He told me, he recruited you because you were brave and it reflected off of you to him. You said that he cared for me, he did the same for you. He knew something bad was going to happen that night, because he kept repeating that we must return to help you. I didnt understand what until Malfoy appeared."

"In Snape's memories..." i sighed, adding this part, I'd completely forgotten to ever mention this to her, "...Dumbledore asked Snape to make a bottle of Felix Fellicius which he fed to you as a vile to help with the potion's pain. They wanted to make sure that whatever happened that night, you survived." She perked up from my shoulder and her glistening eyes searched mine as if to confirm whether i spoke the truth.

"He.. they... did that?"

"Ginny, an Apprentice is only taken by a wizard if they can feel trusted by them. Dumbledore knew that you would be loyal to him. I think... I think he saw himself in you. Isolated. Disturbed. Not having anyone to share his work with... and when he recruited you, you two formed a bond, that helped the two of you, till the end." I kissed the top of her head.

"I love you." She muttered, turning and shutting her eyes. I sighed at peace and tried to sleep as well.


Dark. Everything was dark. The trees shadowed the ground and the soggy mud under my shoes, crunched the leaves buried under. I looked around. Where... why was I in the forbidden forest?

I looked around, when the blood in my body drained.

Voldemort stood with a bitter look on his face.

"At last." He whispered.

"Harry! No! What are yeh doing here?" Hagrid yelled.

"The boy-"

"No!" I turned to find, Ginny, Ron and Hermoine running through the trees. They came beside me with their wands raised.

"You want him? You have to get through us." Ginny warned, coming in front of me.

Hinny, Furthermore (BOOK 2 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now