A Merry Christmas Attack

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


"Harry? I'm ready!" Ginny called out. I came downstairs to find her dressed in a full sleeve yellow sundress. She looked... beautiful. Teddy was in her arms, playing with her lose hair. He turned his hair a turquoise and looked so much more different now than before. I fixed the black jacket I wore over a dress shirt and sighed, standing by the door. Clearing my throat, I caught her attention. She chuckled walking to me.

"Here." She gave me Teddy and then I felt her fingers go in my hair. She ruffled through the wet hair and then walked me out into the hall, pointing me to the full body mirror by the door. My hair were messy and ruffled, just like they'd been my whole life, "Better." She kissed my neck and took Teddy from me. When we heard for the fireplace, she asked me to take Teddy's bag and stood in the chimney. Holding his head, she stood close to me while I wrapped an arm around her. I called for the burrow and all three of us walked out of the chimney in the familiar household.

"Ginny! Harry!" Mrs. Weasley squealed, seeing us walk out into the lounge.

We hugged her and greeted the rest. Bill and Fleur were there with Fleur's slightly grown belly. Charlie was the eldest brother with hair a little longer than Bill but height much taller. He was just as scrawny but his face oozed power. He was a dragon trainer.

"Charlie!" Ginny handed Teddy over to Mrs. Weasley and ran to Charlie who wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her, twirling her in the air.

"My, you've grown." He laughed, putting her down.

"Is that a compliment?" Ginny raised a brow at him.

"Yes. You look so... grown up." They turned to me, "Harry!" He came with arms spread and gave me a side hug, "Growing a beard, now?" He chuckled, releasing me.

"No, he isn't." Ginny crossed her arms.

"No, I'm not." I smirked, scratching my harsh jaw. Charlie went ahead to Mrs. Weasley.

"Hermoine." Ginny smirked, turning around me. I watched her take Hermoine in a little hug. Hermoine was dressed in a proper purple dress that came to her knees with stockings under. Sometimes, the girls dressed so different than their personalities that it took me a while to remember that they were fun loving, beauty imploding females.

"Hi, Harry." Hermoine smiled bright, pushing back her slightly longer settled bushy hair.

"You look brilliant, Hermoine." I gave her a kiss on her cheek and she thanked me. Ron came from behind her in his Wheezley Joke Shop Uniform and I greeted him. We joined Mr. Weasley, Bill, Charlie, Percy and George in the lounge and just then heard another snap from the fireplace.

"Luna! Neville!" I heard Ginny yelp. I walked up and around to find her, crushing them both in a hug. I greeted them as well, after Neville handed Ginny a large dish, which he claimed to be roasted pot pie. Ginny, Luna and Hermoine settled around in the corner lounge in the back while Mrs. Weasley and Fleur insisted to be the only ones setting up the dinner for the night. Andromeda joined us in the lounge and i found Teddy missing from her. She told me that she'd left him with Ginny, adding on the fact that Ginny was glued to him. It was true. Ginny was as fond of Teddy as I'd seen Andromeda and myself being. She was always there for him. Andromeda even mentioned that Ginny would write her letters from Hogwarts, asking about Teddy's well being. Ron exchanged a look with me when Mr. Weasley, Percy and Bill indulged themselves in a conversation about some Ministry business that was nowhere interesting to us. Leaving Andromeda get fascinated by Charlie, we headed to the little sitting are where the girls were. Teddy was in Ginny's lap, playing with the strands of her hair. I sat on the couch beside her and Ron took a seat beside me. Hermoine and Luna were sitting on the couch cozy by the corner next to ours and Neville joined us shortly, pulling a chair around the coffee table.

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