Murder is Never the Answer

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in the above image, phil will be replaced by someone else, just a heads up :)

- spiderson

- superfamily

- protective natasha and clint

- [TW; aggressive physical bullying]

Peter wove his way through the crowds of students in the hallways so that he could get to his next class. Today had been a sub-optimal day; he had woken up late so he missed the first ten minutes of class and got scolded, he forgot his lunch at home, MJ was sick and Ned was on vacation with his family, and he had also stayed out for patrol for way too long so he got home at 4:00 AM and then went to sleep a 6:00 AM because he had procrastinated on a project due the next day.

Needless to say, Peter was not up for any BS today. At this point he had zoned out and just let muscle memory lead him through the hallways and through his classes. Too bad muscle memory doesn't account for newly placed entities and his spidey-sense seems to have disappeared from existence for the day because he bumped into a solid mass.

"Watch where you're going, penis!" the mass, who Peter had now identified as Flash, sneered.

Peter wasn't able to stop himself from saying what he said next.

"Listen, Eugene ," Peter spat, earning an enraged glare from Flash for using his real name, "I am running on whatever amount of energy one hour of sleep and an oreo gives. I do not have the patience to deal with your complete and utter bullshit. Now, kindly fuck off." he finished with a sickeningly sweet yet obviously sarcastic smile.

Peter continued his way to chemistry, glad that his favourite class was the last of the day and leaving a crowd of students including Flash gaping. As long as they'd known him, Peter was a sweet, intelligent boy who never complained and helped anyone who asked for it. They'd never even heard him curse anything more than dang, and most of the time he replaces 'fuck' with made-up words like 'fudgefiddlesticks' and 'frickfrackthorsasnacc'.

-time skip brought to you by this annoyed face: (눈.눈)-

Peter took a relieved breath as he stepped out of the school building. After a day where he felt dead, the best thing he could have felt at that very moment was the scent of fresh air from outside. Just as he was reflecting on the little things in life that bring him unexplainable joy, he felt something jerk him backwards and into a hidden area of the school grounds, slamming him into the brick wall.

His eyes focused on the perpetrator. Of course, Flash. His day just had to get worse, didn't it?

"What the hell, penis?" Flash yelled, "You really thought you could get away with embarrassing me?!"

"Flash, just let me go. I just wanna-" Peter yawned mid-sentence, "-sleep, man. Beat me up tomorrow or something."

Something only Peter's family (aka the dysfunctional collection of entities that is the avengers) knew was that when Peter is sleepy, he has no filter. Anything he says at that point it 100% honesty on his behalf.

"Oh, you'll be asleep, alright!" Flash punched Peter in the gut, making Peter double over. Flash took this as a chance to knee the boy in the face, causing a sickening crack to sound. Peter's nose was definitely broken.

Flash continued punching and kicking Peter until he felt satisfied. He only reached satisfaction once every visible inch of Peter's skin was black or blue.

The bully cracked his knuckles as he stepped back, a sadistic smirk formed on his face. He walked away as Peter slid down to the ground, using the wall as support.

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