🎸The Substitute

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A/N: I had this book in mind about two years ago and decided to publish it now. I decided on the Jack Black version since I grew up with that one and do far I've only found fics based on the musical and I really don't know much about it. Also, a tragic news had happened the actor who played Freddy Jones just passed away and he was my second favorite in the movie, so rest in peace Kevin. This book won't be that long depending on how much I want it to be.


"And I need this to be sent before the day end of the day, oh and also these." I huffed as the teacher handed me another stack of papers which have been graded, the few children who were still in school waiting for their parents to pick them up finally left and only a couple of teachers were still left.

"Anymore else I can do?" I boredly reply trying my best to sound enthusiast, it's the end of the day and I've been very tired.

The teacher hummed and shook her head, "No thanks." She continue to walk towards the stairs, "I'll be seeing you..ahh!!"

I quickly turned around and my mouth fell open when I ran as fast as I could and glanced at the bottom of the stairs. The teacher had fallen and broke her foot...Principal Mullins freaked out and called out an ambulance.

The stacks of papers were now forgotten as I stood in Principal Mullins as she paced back and forth wondering what to do now. "What should I do? I-I mean the kids will be worried and the new semester is approaching! Maybe you can..no! I got it!"

I stared at the paranoid woman confused when she began searching a few files in her desk. "We need a substitute teacher."

"Substitute teacher? Why don't I just look after the kids." I offered with a fake smile.

Mullins looked at me and shook her head, "That can't do, we need someone professional for the job."

Ouch. I quickly frowned and even wondered why I was called into her office. Mullins took a seat and dialed a number on the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr. Schneebly? Hi. My name's Rosalie Mullins. I'm the principal from Horace Green Prep. We're having an emergency. One of our teachers broke their leg this morning, and all our subs are working. Do you know if he's available?...As much as a few weeks...We pay our substitutes 650 a week. Do you know when Mr. Schneebly will be back?"

I listened to the both of they go back and forth. The substitute made some odd questions but I tried not to pay much attention to it.

Mullins hung up the phone and clapped her hand together, "Problem solved as always, tomorrow I need you to come in earlier than usual. You'll be helping the substitute out and looking after them."

I stared at her even more confused so I took a seat down, "Wait wait so I'm still going to be an assistant to this substitute?"

"Yes and No. You'll be helping Mr. Schneebly out and making sure he's doing his job correctly. I've never met him so I would like you to tell me if there's anything he's having a hard time with." Mullins patted my back and made me stand up.

"Nice and early tomorrow morning." With that she shut the door in my face and slowly I made it home.


I made it to my home..or what I call home which is just an old apartment with not much, I live on my own so I haven't even bothered on buying couches or tables. I do make a good salary but why bother on buying things when you're on your own.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not happy with that job or life I have. I'm not even that old and I feel so bored with life. I just wish something exciting would happen.

I tiredly jumped onto my bed and glanced at the calendar on the wall, just a few more days and the fun will start.


"Good morning." I mumbled good morning back to Mullins as I slowly walked up into the school building again, I am not a morning person.

"Morning! Follow me." I internally groaned but continued to follow her. "Mr. Schneebly."

I raised my head and saw the new substitute teacher waiting for Mullins. He's wearing a red scarf, a cardigan and has a bit of long hair. I can tell already that working with him won't be easy.

We all began to walk and he didn't even notice my presence! I remained calm and heard their conversation.

"So, when will I get my paycheck? Would be great if I could get paid now in cash. Oh, and write the paycheck to Dewey Finn. Hey, when's the end of class?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and looks at him. He's making very weird questions, shouldn't he know of this already?

"It's until 3." Mullins was clearly confused by him as well but paid no mind to him.

"You think I can cut a little early? I've got stuff to do." He whispered the last part.

Mullins took a breath and fixed her glasses. "Mr. Schneebly. This is considered the best elementary school of the state, we remain that reputation by having a strict code of conduct."

"Know what? You don't have to worry about me, I'm a hard ass and if a kid gets out of line, I have no problem smacking em in the head."

We stop walking so Mullins and I make eye contact and look back at Mr. Schneebly. "No no we don't used corporal punishment."

"So, verbal abuse?

"Mr. Schneebly if you have any problems you can let the assistant know or send them to me, I'll do the disciplining.

The school began to fill with children going to their respective classes and slowly we made it to our own. Mullins opened the door and we stepped in, I looked around and noticed all of the students were here.

Patiently waiting in their desks hoping their teacher would arrive, but some had confused expressions when they noticed the adult man in the room who seemed way too relaxed and level headed. I internally frown and stood by the door and closed it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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