the Lodge

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Lucinda p.o.v

"Are we there yet" Garroth ask "for the last time no" I said "how about now" "Garroth you have been asking for an hour stop" I say I hear giggling "are we there yet" Kim ask "KIM don't encourage him" I say "Aaron can you believe these to" I say "huh oh sorry I put my ear buds in an hour ago when he first ask"he response "are we there yet" Garroth ask "GARROTH! kim switch seats with me" I say angrily.
(Timeskip after the intro) Aaron's p.o.v
"Well here we are" Garroth says "this place is a-" I get cut off by Lucinda "total dump" "huh I don't understand our parents said this place was fantastic" Garroth said "from the looks of it years ago it was ugh see why I thought this was fishy" I say "it did sound to good to be true Garroth" Kim says "yeah but it I don't know it sounded awesome to get paid to vacation" Garroth said "Garroth we are not on vacation our parents said to fix it up" I say "well nothing a few potions can't fix eh wait wait" Lucinda says "WHERE IS MY POTION BAG" she panics "I didn't see anymore bags in the car maybe you didn't bring it?" Kim said. "There's no way I forget to bring it I probably put it on the ground and forgot to pick it up somewhere" Lucinda said "it's ok Lucinda we can get you a new bag" Garroth said "that's not the point my wand and potions are in there is it hard to make potions where would you even go to get the ingredients I didn't see any stores on the way here" Kim says "I'm sure I can find what I need to make some potions but it won't be easy " Lucinda says "regardless Lucinda I heard about you cleaning potions from danta and I rather we not use those here I want to fix everything up here ourselves and not have everything disappear and then reappear in the neighbor's backyard" I say "but" Garroth tries but I interrupt him "Garroth were here to earn something for someone that I deeply care about" I say slightly blushing "those things aren't given they're earned" I continue "I guess your right" Garroth says "still I feel naked without my potions or wands" Lucinda says "we should go inside it's getting really chilly" Kim says with a shiver "the doors locked" Garroth says "didn't your parents give you a key to this place?" Lucinda ask "uhhhhhh no" Garroth says "are we going to freeze to death" Kim says "heh heh no worries I'm great with getting doors open just watch stand back everyone" Garroth says "levin put a key here" I say "oh ok" he sound kinda sad I unlocked the door and we walk inside."wow this place really is a dump" Lucinda says "I'm sure it'll look better with the lights on" Kim says she flips the lift switch and the lights don't come on she starts to panic "the lights aren't working were going to die!" Kim yell "now now kim no one died because of a little darkness" ( hey Garroth ever heard of bird box?) "The breaker box must be down" I said "which means everything else is out in this place" Lucinda commented "any idea where the circuit breaker is" Garroth questioned "there usually in a basement or garage" I said "but I have no idea here" I then hear a knock on the door "I'll get it" Lucinda says and walks to the door "I'll go with you" I say we open it and we see someone familiar

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