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First day of school had always been a nerve wrecking experience.

Akemi left for Tokyo when she was in the last year of elementary and she could hardly remember any of her old elementary school friends. Back then, all she wants is just to go to Tokyo and finally started her superstar dream. To just take a step closer for her dream and finally reach it.

Things happens, and she finally debuted. Things happens again and now she's in a indefinite hiatus.

Sometimes the universe really decided to do something funny huh.

Nevermind that, thought Akemi as she slapped her hands towards her cheeks. Immediately red started to blooms but she paid no mind to it. The female walked towards her classroom, deciding that she should take this opportunity to grow herself. She needs to continue practice and be so good at everything that it's impossible to ignore.

She'll become a star.

"Good morning everyone!" she immediately greeted when she opened the door towards the classroom.

Countless pair of eyes turned towards her. Some has confusion on their face, some has curiosity.

"M-morning?" greeted one of her classmates hesitantly.

Akemi beamed. "Morning!" She greeted again. "We'll be classmates for the next one year, please take care of me!"

Just as she said that, giggles could be heard all around the classroom. A girl, with short dark hair and dark eyes approached her. "Please take care of me too, dear classmates" She said with a smooth voice. "My name is Tachibana by the way, Tachibana Haru"

"Haru-chan!" Said Akemi. "It's okay for me to call you Haru-chan right? Tachibana is a mouthful after all! And we'll become classmates-"

"Yes it's okay" said the girl again, bright grin already forming on her mouth. "So? What's your name? I want to know the name of the girl who seems excited while it's only the first day of school"

Akemi grinned. "I'm Nakamura Akemi, nice to meet you!"

This doesn't sounds so bad at all.


During the weekend, Akemi decided that she can't just do nothing while her boss sacrificed everything for Crown to come back from hiatus.

"Ne, Papa" called out Akemi.

Her Father from his spot in the kitchen, hummed. Eyes still focused on the television as his hand expertly chopped an onion into small cubes. Sometimes she wonder how many years for her father to perfected his skill in the kitchen because with the way he moves around in the kitchen, or how his hand expertly peeled or chopped vegetables, it looks like something that needs to be polished for years.

Akemi herself is not blessed by the culinary arts. Sure she likes to eat delicious food, but her love for food stopped at that. She barely could cook an egg without burning an entire kitchen after all.

Back in Tokyo, she depends on her members culinary skills to survive or convenience store bought food if she had the money to spare. But as expected, those dishes paled in comparison to her Papa's food.

"Yes, Princess?" he asked.

"What do you think I should do to let more people know about Crown" she asked, eyes wandering toward the ceiling as she slouched further into the sofa. "Like I already tried to spread it in my personal social media, and I'm too broke to buy ads"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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