A pleasant blessing

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It's been two years since y/n had found Techno within that span of time the two were overly close. Y/n would show up to the house with gifts and high words, she had became part of the family. She was always opened for helping Kristin, she treated her as if she was her own mother, and Kristin treated her like a daughter as did Phil.

Techno always made sure she was safe, and when something was slightly out of order he'd worry, like the time when she showed up ten minutes later then usually, he was pacing back and forward outside twirling a dagger in his fingers ready to run to her castle to find her if he had to. It was intill he saw her running his way with a basket of flowers and sweets he realized she could have been distracted by the flower field on the way here.

Currently the Minecraft had good news to share with her. Ready to ser the excitement pouring out of her, they knew a lot about her personality now. A very brave, curious, and exciting child was what she was, ready for a adventure anywhere, ready to run. It was her signature knock that rang through everyone's ears, and excited Techno.

One hold two, three hold, four hold for one sec and five. Was her knock Techno loved the sound knowing his friend was here. He quickly got up for the table he sat with his family waiting for her and dashed to the door opening it with a smile, as soon as he did he was given a big hug.

"I had a very big feeling to come as fast as I could for some reason so I did, I didn't even stop for flowers this time, funny isn't it, but you should always go with your gut and mine said to go to your house as soon as possible, so hello," she said speaking as fast as she usually did, Techno went blank for a second, then when her words lined up in his head in a readable sentence he smiled. "Hello, and your gut is smart because we have news come on!" He exclaimed grabbing her hand and dragging her to the dinning room.

He pulled a chair out for her and when she sat down he pushed the chair in for her, then going to her seat, mind you she was very confused and tilted her head. "How are you y/n?" Kristin asked with a smile, the girl also smiled. "I'm doing well I brought sweets to,"  She said with a bright smile. "That's good, and thank you for the sweets y/n," Phil said with a smile. The girl nodded with a smile feeling proud in herself.

"You guys are taking to long, mom has a baby in her stomach," Wilbur said very impatient, his parents sighed in defeat, and Techno bonked his brothers head. Y/n sat there trying to process this information, her mind raced to the first time she heard something like this, when she was four and her sister was being made, though she was told different.

"Really? That's weird I thought baby's where baked in special ovens?" She said feeling very puzzled the adults laughed at what she was taught on how children came to be. "That's weird, where would these ovens even come from, who ever told you this lied," Techno said, she bonked his head. "That's where they said I came from!" She argued with him he shook his head.

"I'd expect you to be born from a sunflower if anything, not an oven," he said, y/n just gave him a face that practically said she was done with his antics, and went back to Kristin. "That's good! What would you name them, can I help with anything, I can bring baby things and stuff, I'm sure my mum has spare baby cloths from me and my sister, or we could make new ones, that'll be a better idea actually, that way the new baby doesn't have to wear old things, that are probably worn out, I wonder what the baby would look like, could they look like a lily or oxe daisy?" She rambled, she was cut off by a laugh from the adults, they were right she would be very open and focus on the idea.

"Y/n why are you wearing fancier cloths?" Wilbur asked she sighed. "Apparently I'm at the age where I have to meet different royals or whatever, so in a few hours I have to go to some weird ball or something and be fancy and things, I don't want to but mum said I have to, she also said she did it before so I'd be fine, but it's still not fair my sister doesn't have to go, which means I'll be al-," she cut herself off this time and grew a big smile, she quickly turned to Techno.

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