"Is it bad? I can drive both of you to the hospital or call an ambulance."

San quickly shook his head. He and Wooyoung quivered slightly, searching support by leaning against each other.

"No, we're good. All just surface level. He was too drunk to punch hard."

With a nod, Hongjoong got up to get both of them a drink. Wooyoung whispered a barely audible 'thanks' from dry lips as he took the water from him. He was a pretty boy in real life, probably even more shining than in Seonghwa's dreams. Though his light was dulled and his eyes lowered most of the time.

"The guy from downstairs?" Hongjoong pried the phone that San was still clutching from his fingers to replace it with the bottle. He put the device on the coffee table instead.

San made a face.

"Yeah. He had a friend over to drink, and when they heard us outside, they ambushed us. He packs an evil punch." He pinched his lips shut, whining at the strain. Wooyoung rubbed his back soothingly.

"He's a pain. Sorry that you had to experience this when you two just met. San is horrible, but he can be a sweetheart," Hongjoong said towards Wooyoung reassuringly. The man giggled, his face brightening. He held so much familiarity for Hongjoong. As if he had known him for a long time. Hongjoong had to be careful not to misspeak.

"I know he is, yes. Thank you," Wooyoung grinned back.

A subtle knock on the door had Hongjoong surge up before the other two could move.

"That might be the police. I told them to be discreet before they scare that idiot away."

Despite the relief in San's voice, Hongjoong approached the door carefully. In his drunkenness, the guy from downstairs could be back anytime to finish what he had started.

Quietly, Hongjoong opened the door the slightest gap.

In front stood just a single person, however, and he was far more slender than the rounded beer belly the bastard sported. He also kept watch of the corridor behind him, further reassuring Hongjoong. He pulled the door open entirely.

"Please come in, officer. The victims-"

Hongjoong's voice died in his throat when the man turned.

Compared to his dreams, his eyes were far gentler in real life. They held no fear or pain if hints of the same paranoia.

They also narrowed at the befuddling recognition Hongjoong's features triggered in him.

"Ah." Hongjoong fell quiet, awkward silence wrapping around both of them. Seonghwa's eyes dragged up and down his form, wary of who he might be.

In the same manner, Hongjoong stared back. Even outside of his uniform, he knew Seonghwa was a friend. But he had to pretend he didn't.

"Who are you?" Seonghwa asked politely. His tense posture alerted Hongjoong of both his current suspicions and the confusion of his mind screaming at him they knew each other.

"I'm San's friend. And you?"

It was Wooyoung who called from inside the room. His voice cracked around his words, but the tone instantly smoothed out the hard lines in Seonghwa's face.

"Let him in, he belongs to me!"

That was all the confirmation Hongjoong needed. He stepped aside with an awkward smile. When Seonghwa brushed past him, the faint note of his cologne clung to his clothes.

In a hurry, Seonghwa kicked his black shoes off that Hongjoong found too elegant to wear casually. Mindlessly, he put them neatly next to the rest as he shut the door.

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