"Understanding" Has U and I

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Bakugo x Reader.

Hearing Loss Headcannon.

"Um, that's not quite right. Ya is up, He is down." you said as you adjusted your boyfriends hand to make the correct symbols. 

"Well why the hell do they look so damn similar?!" 

You sighed as he snatched his hand away from you. "Katsuki, we have to keep practicing or


"Or else what? I'll never be able to hear you again? I can hardly hear you now! What good is learning sign going to do, huh?!" He was yelling, but he wasn't angry at you. He was angry at himself for not realizing that the possibility of deafness would be a side affect of his very powerful quirk.

He was angry that without his hearing he wouldn't hear you call his name. Not when you were happy, sad, or in trouble.

How could he save you if he's the last to know you're in danger?

Mostly Bakugo was angry because he hadn't thought ahead and figured out a way to prevent something that he thought was a setback.

He slammed his palms on the table before letting out a shaky breath.

"I already have a hard time getting you to realize what I'm thinking. It's already hard for me to communicate that. If we can't understand each other, you'll never know how I feel." His voice had fallen from his previous roar. Now, he sounded as if his words were more for him to better understand how he felt than for you to hear him.

His red eyes were lowered, but you knew what was happening. His voice, and his tightened fist gave it away.

An entire year of dating, and until now you had never seen Bakugo Katsuki cry.

It was silent for a few moments. So much so that you could almost hear his tears race down his nose and collapse onto the wooden kitchen table. Placing your hand on his, you smiled, having found just the right words to not say.

You turn his hand over and opened it up. Tracing some very important letter using the tip of your finger.

"I love you."

There was an inaudible gasps as you saw Katsuki tense up. He raised his more than usually red eyes to look at you.

"....I love you too." 

You cheesed at him. 

"See? Hearing and understanding are two different things." you interlocked your fingers with his.

Finding his warm and slightly sweaty palm comforting.

"I will always understand you, Katsuki. Always."

"And forever?"

"Of course, my love."

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