Best Friends Into Lovers?

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I woke up to my phone ringing for the fourth time after trying to ignore it and go back to sleep. I finally sat up and reached for my phone on the nightstand seeing the Justin was requesting a FaceTime. I answered and watched as Justin's tired face popped up onto the screen.
"Good morning Gi!" he said brightly as he snuggled deeper into his pillows.
"Morning Justin! How'd you sleep?" I quizzed.
"I slept just fine, how about you?" he asked.
"I'm good, how come you called so early? It's only eight in the morning!" I exclaimed.
"Can you come over this morning? I'll make us so breakfast and everything, just stay in your pajamas and come over please?" Justin begged.
"Alright, I'll be over in 10 minutes" I agreed.
He thanked me and said he was going to get breakfast started. I pulled my phone off the charger and slid on my boots grabbing my coat from the closet before heading downstairs. I quickly wrote a note to my parents letting the, know where I was going before grabbing my keys out of the bowl by the door and hopping in the car.
I pulled into the parking spot outside of the complex where Justin lived at in Beverly Hills. I knocked on the door and immediately answered pulling me in for a hug. He ushered me into the kitchen and me at the island as he finished plating our breakfast then sat straight across from me.
"Thank you" I said and he just smiled in response.
Halfway through our meal, my curiosity got the best of me and I just had to know why on the earth did he call me over he so early.
"So what's up? Do you have something you want to let off of your chest?" I asked.
He dropped his fork and lowly spoke,
"So there is this girl, and I've had feelings for her for a little while now but I don't know how to approach her."
"Well, what do you like about her?" I asked.
"She understands me, she's not here just to use me ya know? She is always there whenever I need her. Her eyes are so captivating, they pull you in the sweetest way possible. She's let me experience so many new things and I'm myself around her. I've known her for quite a long time and I think the feeling is only going to grow if I don't tell her soon" he concluded.
As he talked about her I could not help but swoon at the look in his eyes. They were filled with so much love all directed towards her.
"Can I know who she is?" You asked.
"Hailey" he said as your heart broke into tiny shards of glass and plunged through every bit of your body.
"You guys would look very cute together, I have to go back home, moms is waiting so we can hang out together" I weakly said and excused myself.
"Alright, I'll call you later on" he said bringing me into his arms.
I embraced him as tightly as possible knowing that if I don't play my cards right that this will be the last one I every receive from him.
*** Few Days Later ***
The past few weeks I've been avoiding Justin. I've been ignoring his calls and texts, then going in the basement whenever I hear his car pull into the driveway.
I didn't know what I would ever say to him. I don't know why I ever thought that I was the one who he was crushing on. I assumed it would be one of those cliché moments where the best friends admit they like each other. Lately, he's been even more persistent in coming over, about three times every day.
"Gina! Your friend is here!" My mom yelled as she made her way of out the house to work.
It's about nine in the morning and I just got back upstairs from grabbing some breakfast and returning back to my room. Last night I texted my best friend to come over just so we could hang out so I wouldn't be all by myself with my thoughts. But as always I was wrong.
"Gina! Why haven't you been answering me? Are you okay?" Justin asked.
"I'm fine" I replied quietly eating a bite of my food.
What happened?
Did I upset you?
Did somebody tell you something false about me?
Are you feeling alright?
All these questions made my brain pound the same words it made me learn repetitively over the couple weeks. The words that tormented me were just building and building second by second as he sat their on the end of my bed.
"Because I'm in love with you" I yelled.
Justin's face quickly turned to shock and look d as if any piece of knowledge he once held had gotten from his body.
"W-w-wh-what? You love m-m-me?" He stuttered out pointing to himself.
I nodded shyly not knowing exactly how to feel at this moment.
"But you know I like Hailey?" He slightly questioned.
"This didn't just happen over night. I've known it for a while, but knew I couldn't tell you. Ever. I still wanted to be friends with you" I said.
"Why can't we be friends?" Justin questioned.
"It'll never be the same" I concluded.
This was requested by @aussielovex . I hope you enjoyed it! I haven't wrote imagines in a LONG while. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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