
Her voice is even more broken than his, it was a wonder that he had even heard her saying his name in the first place. He gives her a small smile, trying hard to keep his own tears from falling, he could see how it’s starting to get harder for her to breath and she starts to cough once more. Hearing banging on the front door, Jack makes his decision, he wouldn’t let this woman go, not for as long as he’s around to stop it. Hearing someone run up the stairs, he turns his head just in time to see Dr Macmillan throws herself into the room. He turns his attention back to Phryne once more.
“Keep her awake!”

Mac orders him, glancing up, he sees the good doctor take her place on Phryne’s other side so she can start working. Taking hold of Phryne’s hand and forces her to look at him, leaning closer towards her in the progress.

“Come on Phryne, you can’t give up now. You still owe me a dinner and there’s still murderess out there that needs to learn that you do not kill anyone in Melbourne and gets away with it. You are not done here yet.”

He whispers to her, feeling how she tries to squeeze his hand as a respond, the motion is weak, and her breathing starts to calm down.

“Come on Phryne, I can’t lose you like this. Not now.”

Jack speaks once more, not sure if his mind is playing him a trick, but for a second, he thinks he hears her speak his name before she goes limb. Looking up, he sees Mac look at him in the same moment over the lady they both hold dear. Nothing is said between them as they get to work, working together to get her heart starting once more, working fast and with determination, they managed to get her heart starting once more. Only to realise thing’s are much worse than they had first thought.

“We need to get her to the hospital and that is now!”

Mac tells him, working quickly to patch up the wounds once more, properly this time and Jack nods his head. Pulling of his jacket, he places it around Phryne once Mac takes a step back, as careful as he can be, he lifts Phryne from the floor. The motion pulls him back to when he had carried her out after she had taken the position to save him and Jane from Murdoch Foyle. Back then, he had hoped he would never have to carry Phryne like this again. Hopping fully that this will be the last time, he’s sure his heart wouldn’t be able to handle yet another time like this.


The following weeks was hard, both for the family that is the Wardlow and City South. Phryne have gotten worse during their ride to the hospital, at least they were in luck that her heart had not stopped beating once more. The second Mac got her into the hospital, the operation begun along side with blood transfer to make sure she has enough in her system to stay alive. Jack finds himself sitting in the waiting room along side with Dot and Hugh, Cec and Bert shows up the second they learn what have happened from Mr Butler.

Dot somehow managed to send both away to inform Prudence Stanley and to make sure Jane is alright. Hugh called the station, giving them everything they know so far and the little information they have on the person responsible. Hugh have stepped up and taken statements from Dot and Mr Butler when Jack haven’t been able to focus on his work. Hearing running feet heading their ways, Jack lifts his head, being pulled back to reality once more. Eyes landing on a very worry looking Jane, as she got close enough, he finds himself having to catch the young girl as she throws herself towards him. Pulling her close, Jack hugs her tightly.

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