The ranger gulps in fear as the monster bunny slowly approaches him as the ranger points his gun at the creature. The monster bunny kept approaching and the ranger opens fire. Unfortunately, the bullets that were fired didn't seem to damage the monster bunny, but it made it very angry though. The monster bunny lets out a frightening roar as it takes charge at the ranger. The ranger lets out a loud scream as Matt and the Easter Bunny watched in horror as the monster bunny brutally kills him. The ranger's screams eventually died down as there was nothing left of him and the monster bunny was covered in blood.

This was the perfect time for Matt and the Easter Bunny to leave before they suffer the same fate as the park ranger. They left very quietly and unnoticed as they made their way of the park and onto the streets. "That....That was scary. Are you ok?" asked Matt. The Easter Bunny was still in shock but nodded before giving Matt a concerned look. "I can tell by the look of your face, yes, I am fine. I guess we're both trying to process at what happened. There's nothing to worry, we'll be ok as long as we got each other's backs" said Matt. Matt stops as he turns around back in the direction of park only to see the monster bunny was looking for them.

Before the monster bunny could look in Matt's direction, Matt picks up the Easter Bunny and runs like the wind. Matt kept on running down the streets, hoping that they weren't being followed as he makes back to Edd's house and quickly goes inside. "Ok, we should be safe from whatever wants to eat my face off" said Matt. The Easter Bunny looked uneasy but gives off a look of relief. "We need to get both Edd and Tom up so they can help us. Oh and don't worry, I know away to get them up. Stay here, I'll be back" said Matt.

Matt leaves the living room and goes to Edd's room first. Matt slowly opens the door and quietly walks inside where Edd was asleep. "He looks so peaceful, but unfortunately, I'm going to wake him up. Oh Edd, Tom poured out your many cans of cola" said Matt. This doesn't make Edd wake up, but it instead, it just made him grumble in his sleep a bit. "Edd, Tom is going to pour more of your cola out. He told me that he was going to do it when you're sleeping and he's going to burn your lucky can" said Matt. This made Edd wake up as he quickly bolted out of bed. "He's going to do what now!? Oh no, he's not!" yelled Edd. Edd was about head out of his room, but Matt stops him.

"Uh, where are you going exactly?" asked Matt. "Don't worry about it" said Edd. Edd leaves the room as Matt stands there in confusion, but it didn't last long as the sounds of Tom were heard outside of the room. "Edd, what are you doing? Edd?.....No! Stop! That's Susan! Please, put her down" said Tom. Unfortunately, Edd didn't seem to listen to his pleas as a loud bang was heard. "Edd, are you out of your mind!? Stop!" yelled Tom.

Another bang was heard as Matt hurries out of the room to see his two friends standing in the hallway where Edd was holding Susan in his hands while Tom was panicking. Matt watched as Edd attempted to bang Susan against the wall, but Tom stops him by grabbing Edd by his arms. "I said stop!" yelled Tom. Both Edd and Tom soon fought each other as Tom managed to free Susan before putting the base down. Before things got physical, Matt breaks up the fight by standing between them. "Matt, what you are doing?" asked Edd. "Yeah, get out of the way. We were currently in the middle of something" said Tom.

"Well, I was also in the middle of something too. I was trying to get you both to wake up" said Matt. "What? So, you were the one that started all of this? Why?" asked Tom sounding a bit angry. "Now now, Tom. I think there was a reason as to why he did it even if it meant getting us to kill each other" said Edd. "Yeah...kinda, but we'll discuss later. The reason why I woke you is that there is a small problem" said Matt. "And what is the problem exactly?" asked Edd. "I went to the park in the middle of the night to see what's been making the eggs disappear and one thing lead to another and uh...there's a monster" said Matt.

"A monster? You got to be kidding me, Matt. There aren't any monsters around here" said Tom. "But there is though! I'm being serious!" said Matt. "Ok then, if you say that there's a monster, would you mind telling me what it looks like?" asked Tom. "I can't. It was too scary" said Matt. "Then, there's no monster. Thanks for wasting our time" said Tom. Before Matt could say anything, a loud noise was heard coming from outside.

"What was that?" asked Tom. "Oh's the monster" said Matt. "No Matt, it's probably raccoons digging through the trash again" said Edd. "That didn't sound like raccoons" said Matt. Edd and Tom ignored Matt as they walked by him leaving him behind. "Hey! Where you guys going?" asked Matt. "Outside. We're going to beat the raccoons with brooms" said Edd.

"You...You can't go out there" said Matt. "And why can't we?" asked Edd. "Because....Because the monster that I saw is out there..." said Matt. "Yeah right. Come on Tom, we got raccoons to take care of" said Edd. And with that being said, Edd and Tom walked away, passing by the Easter Bunny as they head to the back door leading to the backyard. They didn't seem to notice the Easter Bunny as the Easter Bunny just sits on the couch while watching them. Eventually, Matt comes into the living room and sits down on the couch with a sad expression on his face. "I've tried to warn them, but they didn't listen" said Matt. The Easter Bunny, feeling Matt's sadness, gently pats him on the arm.

The Night of the Beaster BunnyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang